I don’t think I’ve made a post on here about food, so here goes! 😃
I’ll go first…I just love eating uncooked pasta. It has such a satisfying crunch and the tomato pasta and wholewheat pasta are my faves! This has been a habit that I’ve had ever since I’ve had teeth and people are always surprised that I haven’t damaged my teeth doing this. I enjoy pasta cooked too!
Peanut butter and sweet pickle sandwiches…
Peanut butter, deli Turkey, and vanilla yogurt…
Chili and a peanut butter sandwich…
I like peanut butter.
Biscuits and gravy…
Covered in raw onions, radishes, banana peppers, jalapenos, or any combination of the above. Try it. You’ll like it. Just give them a moderate to fine chop first.
Hawaii toast with mustard.
It goes toast (preferably whole grain) -> large heap of mustard -> ham -> pineapple -> salt -> gouda
I have only ever heard my mom eating it that way but have since co verted a few people.
Vegan meals
Pickled herring and liver pate
Blue cheese and kimchi quesadillas.
Strawberries and balsamic vinegar on vanilla ice cream,
uncooked pasta, uncooked noodles, flour, sugar, whole apple (with seeds and that wood thingy on apple), nails (not eat but chew and spit out), coffee beans. There might be more but can’t think of right now.
Raw flour is not recommended for direct consumption because it can actually carry foodborne illnesses. I suppose you could “cook” it in the oven with no other ingredients to have a similar experience but killing any potential pathogens.
But it tastes good :3
Yes, but cooking it at low heat can add a nice nutty flavor to it!
It really does. I’m one of those who like cookie dough more than actual cookies, especially when it comes to chocolate chip. Leave out eggs, add like a tablespoon more butter, and toast the flour beforehand, and you wind up with a truly excellent edible cookie dough. In my book, the nuttiness of the flour is makes it even better than regular dough.
I think it’s possible to pasteurize eggs to make them safe to eat like they do with eggnog. Don’t quote me on that, though.
Also make sure to brown the butter if you want an even richer, nuttier flavor.
My grocery store sells whole pasteurized eggs in the egg section. It’s only one brand but neat that’s even an option.
I think it’s possible to pasteurize eggs
For sure it’s possible. Like you said, they do it for eggnog. I used to work for an ice cream company and we’d do it by thoroughly whisking them and then slooooowly stirring them into a hot mix of cream and sugar and whatnot. Not totally sure how you’d do it for this but I’m sure there’s a way; maybe if you’re getting the butter hot you could use that? But also not sure what benefit eggs would impart here. Maybe an extremely subtle flavor but as far as I can tell their purpose in cookies is their structure, which isn’t all that relevant for an edible dough.
Browning the butter is an interesting idea, I might try that. I worry it could reduce the moisture content though; the reason I add extra is to make up for the lack of moisture from eggs and there’s already so much, I wouldn’t want to add even more butter or oil lol. Maybe I could straight up add water but then I usually freeze it and idk if that would be a problem long term
I wouldn’t recommend adding too much non-fatty liquids in a cookie dough if any, as that will result in gluten formation. For cookies, oil should be the sole source of moisture (or in the case of butter, mainly oil). Eggs don’t really have the same effect as water-based liquids.
I’ve made cookies many times with vegetable oil instead of butter, and it works out very well.
I can relate, eating the whole apple is so efficient, even the wood thingy.
Nice! Do you have any particular favourite noodles or pasta shapes to eat?
Please elaborate
If they meant nails like fingernails I’m completely lost. But I used to with regular nails for the metal taste. I almost died as a kid because I used to suck on small nails and screws. Surprisingly that’s not what stopped me from sucking on them. It was because i unconsciously bit down one once and that shit hurt. Used to do coins too but when I found out what germs were and how many germs are on money I stopped immediately.
That is definitely why I asked 😅thanks!!
That sounds a lot like you were dealing with iron deficiency.
I cut my nails and chew it and spit it out later
Thank you! 🔨
please elaborate
This is uncalled for, to say the least. The very idea of someone chewing on (clipped) nails was problematic enough
Same for the apple! I also eat pears that way.
I’m the opposite, love overmicrowaves spaghetti, mac n cheese, noodles, etc.
I like dipping meat sticks, preferably Peperami (brand here), into fruit flavoured yoghurt sometimes.
Upvote because I cannot process this.
If you were to cut a hole in your skull and press your finger into your brain in just the right spot, you can probably convince yourself this is just a really creative take on meat, cheese, and fruit charcuterie…
Ill take your word for it
It makes the meat taste a bit fruity with a milky note to it. It’s basically a poor man’s milk steak.
The fruity flavor is like a side of the finest jelly beans.
Not me, but an ex-girlfriend. She would fill a bowl with potato chips (crisps to you Brits) and then pour ketchup all over and eat it like a bowl of cereal with a spoon.
This is why she’s an ex right
That and she couldn’t keep her mouth off another guy’s dick.
But mostly the chips thing, right?
Look, there are some things I can overlook in a relationship.
But eating a bag of lays with half a bottle of heinz ketchup poured on it? WITH A SPOON? 🤮
Honestly doesn’t sound like a good time, don’t think the ketchup would be enough to save his dick from the chips in her mouth.
If I could upvote this 50 times…
Kinda similar, I’ll finish off the shrapnel from a bag of corn chips with a spoonful or two of salsa in the salsa bowl. Spicy cereal, I guess?
This wins so far.
Home made potato chips and ketchup are a really good combination. I’ve tried it with different brands, styles, and flavors of store bought chips and it’s okay-ish when I’m in the mood. I’ve never tried to eat them like a bowl of cereal, though.
Fine, you’re only half crazy.
Milk mixed with orange juice looks terrible but tastes like an orange creamsicle.
That’s a very popular drink here in the Dominican Republic, probably in Puerto Rico and Cuba too, you have to know the trick so the milk and orange juice mix well tho. It’s called “morir soñando” (which means “to die dreaming” in Spanish) look it up if you feel like to.
What’s the trick?
I honestly don’t know since I’ve never done it myself, would have to ask my mom or something.
Yeah dude, ask her.
Ask her
Not OP, but I was curious about it, so I watched a video tutorial (in Spanish).
Basically, you prepare a mixture of evaporated milk, condensed milk and regular milk with some ice and vanilla extract, and in another bowl just orange juice with ice.
The secret is that both liquids need to be cold so they get mixed properly. She didn’t mention what temperature was necessary, just that 20 minutes in the cold did the trick.
Yeah, it’s pretty good, especially in the summer time.
On topic for the thread, the way I make it has pretty much always gotten a “WTF are you trying to feed me?” look from Dominicans. Okay, more of an “Ay dios mío, este muchacho” eye roll and a “¿Qué es este menjunje que tu tá inventando allí?” from them, if I’m being honest. For the ones I’ve gotten to actually try it, though, they all agree it’s pretty good.
I have the usual mix of milk and orange juice, add in some sweetened, condensed milk, vanilla extract, and then I add jam/preserves instead of just sugar. I’m partial to cherry preserves, but if chinola jam were a thing I could get here, I’d probably just stick with that. Toss it in a blender with some flaked ice, and 30 seconds later, you’re that much closer to developing diabetes. Depending on the sort of night I’m having, I might toss in some spiced rum, too.
Damn, that sounds awesome. I’m gonna have to try that.
How does this not curdle?
It does slightly, but way less than one would think.
It does a little, so stir vigorously to break up clumps.
Holy shit… This comment is my least favorite comment
Mother of the groom gave an impromptu speech at the reception about how her son is like milk and orange juice. It was as meandering as it was long.
My wife’s dad held a 15 minute speech about South American partisans and guerillas at my wedding. No one knew what he was trying to say, and my wife’s bridesmaid pulled him from the stage before he was finished.
Is he from South America?
No, he’s German and has never been to South America.
The groom looked like chunky vomit?
Quite the opposite, but maybe his mom feels like she just drank milk and orange juice when she sees her son? I suppose we’ll never know for sure.
Add a little vanilla, and yeah, that’s a Creamsicle!
Or, blend frozen OJ, milk, ice, and a bit of vanilla extract and you’ve basically got an Orange Julius. (Do those places still even exist…?)
Top tip: add in some powdered sugar. In addition to adding some sweetness, powdered sugar has cornstarch in it which will act as a thickener making for a more unctuous mouthfeel
That’s just an orange julius
Tinned fish on toast — mackerel or sardines. Criminally underrated dish
Fully agree, ideally sardines in oil or mackerel in tomato sauce with peas (not sure the latter is a thing outside of northern Europe?).
Toast needs a health layer of butter to keep the sauce from mushing it up as well.
Mackerel in tomato sauce is my go to snack. I just eat it with a fork straight from the tin
Actually that sounds awesome.
gasp that’s a wonderful idea! I should try that.
Can’t go wrong with spiced Nuri’s
I’d like to try that on a crunchy baguette.
But that’s not weird at all!
This is very much a regional food around here, but if you’re not from here, with previous generations from here, it will seem like a strange food: the banana sandwich. This is peanut butter, banana, and mayonnaise (Duke’s Mayonnaise for any proper Southerner). People are generally on board until you mention the mayonnaise. I get that it sounds weird but is actually really good.
I hear it called a Southern thing but don’t know if it’s just a North Carolina thing or extends farther across the South. It is definitely a thing, though. I remember years ago one of the larger news outlets posted a question on their Facebook page, asking if people sliced their banana into planks or circles for their sandwiches and it got hundreds of comments in response with people arguing for one option or the other. I’ve always been a circle person myself. I can see a theoretical appeal for planks in having less open space but am so used to circles that I’ve never quite figured out the logistics of cutting straight planks out of a curved banana.
You lost me at Mayonnaise. But just peanut butter and bananas is amazing.
That’s where we always lose people. It’s actually good! It works!
You know what I’m going to take a chance on it, I’ll report back later.
It’s been 11 hours, guess they’re dead.
I was out of Bananas until now. BUT its not for me, its also not gross like i get why its liked.
After trying it, I get why its liked, but its not for me not gross, so if i wad randomly offered one i would eat it still.
It won’t be anytime soon, but I promise to try this. And if I remember maybe I’ll update.
I’m impressed at your willingness to try; almost no one does. I hope you like it!
deleted by creator
Does Duke’s mayonnaise taste of mustard or is it bland fluffy oil like other American mayonnaises?
No mustard… Just regular bland fluffy oily stuff. But different brands of mayo are weirdly different, and some have cult followings.
I could get down with this.
I love banana + PB + bacon + honey.
Dry sandwiches. I don’t like most condiments on anything that I eat cuz I think it ruins the flavor. Most condiments are overpowering and just make food taste like condiments. Don’t put them on anything. Not hotdogs, burgers, or sandwiches. The only exception I make is hot sauce.
I stopped eating condiments because in high school one of my classmates stopped as well (based on his nutricionist recommendation). He was a bit on the chubby side and he was looking great by the end of the year.
That and I have no clue WTF is on margerine, mayo, etc. I rarely eat ketchup and mustard but recently fell in love with ‘Schiracha’.There’s a huge variety in condiments.
Mayo is egg, vinegar, and oil.
Fats (oil) are super complicated. Some are very bad for you like canola oil (but they’re also cheap) while some are very good for you like olive oil (EVOO) (but it’s very expensive).
Some Mayo varieties will have these three ingredients and an emulsifier to help it stay nice on the shelf.
Others will have heaps of sugar and bullshit flavours.
The difference in nutritional value is huge.
I take it easy on all of them. Spices though… gimme some!
Peanutbutter sandwiches with spicy, vinegar-based condiments instead of sweet ones. Mustard, cilantro chutney, peperoncini, that kind of thing. It’s fantastic.
I can see that. I like pb and cheese and I think some banana peppers would kick it up a notch
Pb+cheese??? Wtf?
Yeah dude my favorite is a slice of sharp cheddar but swiss or provolone also work for a more subtle flavor profile
As a lifelong practitioner of all things peanut butter, I guess I will try it! What’s the ideal ratio, 1:1?
I just do a normal pb sandwich amount of pb and then slap a slice of your cheese of choice!
I can kind of see it.
One that I like is toasted peanut butter sandwiches with an onion slice in the middle. And dipped in tomato soup is so delicious.
I’ve heard this before, but have yet to try it!
That one actually looks ok :o
What’s cilantro chutney? I’m picturing some cilantro leaves flavoured relish.
I’ll try with a mix of hoisin sauce and vinegar. With some cilantro leaves and crushed peanuts.
One of my fav sweet toasts is jam + extra hot sriracha. Have you tried it?
It’s a South Asian condiment, usually paired with tamarind sauce. It’s a bright green paste and fairly spicy.
Ok, tonight I’m making this with some pakoras.