I’m actually serious, which button is the right one? Why are there two?
Also should a Pic of a toilet be considered NSFW?
IT IS FOR WATER CONSERVATION: The larger lever is to flush out around 6 to 9 liters of water, whereas the smaller lever is to flush out around 3 to 4.5 liters of water. Clearly, the larger one is to flush solid waste and the smaller one is to flush liquid waste.
I thought it was one for pee, two for poo.
Yes, in practicality, this is it.
The one at my gas station is labelled I and II.
That’s very informative thank you! Might have to look into these myself for when/if I have the chance to buy a house in The future.
Get a bumgun/bidet hose, best thing ever for butt cleanliness and general ring health.
Gotta say if you’re going far enough to do some additional plumbing, you might as well go the whole way and get a Japanese toilet.
No other toilet compares since
I still prefer the pipe, for flow and power alone.
It’s quite difficult to find them in the west though. Depending on where you live.
One is forward/play, the other is rewind. DON’T push rewind.
So pressing both of them at same time takes a screenshot?
Yeah but if the toilet has WiFi it automatically shares a pic with anyone in the house so gotta switch that off.
Unless you really want to ;D
ITT: A lot of Lemmy users showing their true colors. Someone asks for help, for information, and y’all decide to mock.
OP: one button does a full flush, the other does a half flush. In your picture, the button on the right, does the half flush. Button on the left, does the full flush. Full flush is usually just x2, though I don’t think that’s a hard rule.
Looks like this one breaks the rules. Only the big button works.
Actually the little button sends an SOS to local authorities, so chances are the little button works fine and you have an incoming SWAT raid with paramedics and police surrounding the building.
These swat raids are getting out of hand!
I explained it to my kids like this:
1 button for #1.
2 buttons for #2.TIL, I always pushed both
The point of these things is to save water on a smaller flush when you only pee.
This is boringly not always true, for a while some genius, probably Elon Flush, decided to invert the functions so that when you pushed the bigger button you got the small flush.
Nothing like developing trust issues after taking a massive shit I suppose.
ITC: username checking out. It was a really dumb question
A question is a question… Just answer the damn question without judging it.
Better let someone know what the thing does instead of forcing them to experiment with it and (possibly) break it.
It was a very low stakes experiment. I wasn’t going to say anything until the high and mighty came to shame those razzing them about it
Ultimately I think my question, being smart or dumb is irrelevant, it brought activity to the community and that’s a great thing I think. The bad thing was the memes. The ‘how do I flush this’ posts kinda got wild.
This is your standard dual flush. One is flush, the other is eject. Which is which depends on the manufacturer. Just be careful, the eject can be quite forceful.
As for which button is the right one, it’s definitely the one on the right. The other is the left button.
Big button = big flush
Little button = little flush
This is so wholesome, never be concerned about asking questions like this. Most folks are lurkers, I’m sure your question educated more folks than you realize. Be well out there.
Personally I think I could have worked out a 2 button system myself via trial and error. It’s hardly a high risk activity.
Then how DO you use the 3 seashells?
Little button = peepee
Big button = poopoo
Both buttons for a toilet clogging doo doo
Bigger button is for solid waste, smaller button uses less water for liquid waste.
Is that common?
Nowadays I just don’t know anynore. I find toilets where it’s swapped.
I also want to say that I grew up with toilets where the bigger button is the one for your more common usecase - liquid waste. Oftern the smaller button is set up to push the bigger button as well - to clean solid waste.
If using a new toilet, I always try out the bigger button first, since it’s easier to press and typically uses less water.
“I took a double button press of a dump.”
If you only need the little button for your shits you need more fibre in your diet.
The little one is impulse power, the big one is warp speed. Press both for Stargate.
Make it so number two
Gnnnhhhh …engage! Sound of water splashing
You can also turn the knob to enter the nether for 8 times faster travel.
Yeah but which one engages the hyperdrive?
Only a filthy Star Wars nerd would want to use hyperdrive!
/uj Star Wars has some good and interesting themes, and none of it has to do with FTL technology. If you want a superior version of the same technology with more depth and dramatic implications, look at Halo. If you want what George Lucas was trying and failing to plagiarise, look at Dune. If you want to arbitrarily move around at whatever speed the plot demands or instantly, look at Stargate. And if you want a military fantasy, look at Star Trek. Hyperdrive is an inferior compromise between all four of these better written FTL techs that fails to execute any one idea well. Which is perfectly fine, because Star Wars isn’t about hyperdrive. It’s about taoist/buddhist philosophy, political commentary on fascism, and the power of individuals in the face of overwhelming systems and impossible odds. None of that has anything to do with how fast a ship moves, the hyperdrive is just a plot device that lets us skip the boring stuff and have more of the stuff Star Wars is actually good at.
He doesn’t know about the two seashells!
I’ve always used three…not sure I know about the two seashell method either
Three seashells? Do you come from 2032 or something?
The design couldn’t possibly be more intuitive without a turd icon.
I find the buttons with a small and a large droplet on them a little more clear, though from experience i know the small button is usually peepee mode
Lol 💩
With your finger you fuckin weirdo.
Which one? I have so many!
OP: “How do I push a button?”
So the smaller seashell shape makes a small flush. The larger seashell shape makes a bigger flush, and the combined seashell shape (both buttons) makes a huge flush.
I’ve had 3 of these toilets for the last 4 years and I never knew you could COMBINE flush?!
It’s only two flush sizes. Pressing both doesn’t do anything more.
The secret of the 3 shells finally revealed!