Winning Eleven 6: FE on the GameCube (imported) was the first I really got into. I also had Italia 90 and FIFA 95 on the Mega Drive, then FIFA 97 on PC (indoor football, Q auto-fouls and gets you red carded IIRC).
Winning Eleven 6: FE on the GameCube (imported) was the first I really got into. I also had Italia 90 and FIFA 95 on the Mega Drive, then FIFA 97 on PC (indoor football, Q auto-fouls and gets you red carded IIRC).
Because they need the stimulation.
Jesus. STFU.
Do us all a favour and take your own advice instead of picking on people.
I wonder if adhd should even be considered something that you get diagnosed with.
What are you on about? It sounds like you don’t know what ADHD actually is and should stop talking as if you do.
people need to be aware of this and look at WHY kids in particular seem to spend a lot of time gaming / scrolling brainless videos
Obviously because of the dopamine rush, this isn’t new information.
If people claimed to have cancer without a diagnosis by a medical professional
Not my question. If someone posts on Lemmy saying they have cancer and asks a question about detection being better these days, would you go out of your way to ask them if they have actually been diagnosed with cancer? It’s pretty fucking out there to do so.
as often as people claim to have neurodivergence
This is plain fucking rude.
Influence and cause are completely different things. If you cannot distinguish between those two things then linking you to research is pointless.
Research has been done, and no.
Have you been formally diagnosed by a psychiatrist or other qualified healthcare professional?
Would you ask that to someone who told you they have cancer?
If you test more, you detect more.
Good but not great ones.
Thanks, I don’t like what feels like people shouting at me in a video. Do people watch that stuff?
I didn’t know that, I may check it out then!
How did they make it?
Thanks, I’ve done a short course on labour markets ( and my master’s (currently 1/3 in) is touching on it, so this is actually helpful, thank you.
I identify as bi but I don’t really find myself attracted to outwardly masculine or ‘normal’-looking guys, often, as you said, femininity is a thing, and consideration. There’s also the pansexual concept which transcends traditional borders. I do find enby peeps attractive too.
Movies it’s the cinema and Netflix, piracy for everything else as few services serve my country/region. Games are Steam and HB, music is Spotify (sub is cheap, $3), generally don’t need to pirate games or music.
One that just popped into my mind… The Culture Series. I really struggled to get into Consider Phlebas and must have restarted it three times before I got it. After I did, it was very difficult to not think about it all the time. I stopped when life got a bit busy so I do need to pick Excession up again, or restart since it’ll all be pretty fresh again by now.
And that in turn leads to diversion from the topic (and meaning).