What’s there to understand?
Starting off way too obtuse and disconnected from reality to have a conversation. Later.
What’s there to understand?
Starting off way too obtuse and disconnected from reality to have a conversation. Later.
I’m mostly of that opinion also :D
When people say shit like this, they seem to forget the vast amounts of issues that windows also has. How long has it been since the last time an update bricked millions of machines? Even when you only talk about things MS is directly responsible for, that timespan rarely exceeds a year. And this is even with their enormous budget and army of vendors essentially beta testing and partnering with them to keep shit like that from happening.
Linux as a desktop is still a laugh. It still doesn’t come close to Windows of twenty-five years ago.
Pfft, several Linux distros are an excellent desktop OS and I think people who argue against that aren’t worth my time.
Could, true, but never has, never will. As long as it uses a janky non-standard kernel underneath, I’m gonna be hating on it.
That’s not true. Attitudes can slowly change over time. Reminding people “it’s not there yet” doesn’t serve that.
You can, but Linux needs good press, and many would see this “joke” as another reason to avoid the whole ecosystem.
I have used others and to me nothing else has the right blend of stability, performance, good defaults, and ability to customize. Boost is best on android.
You’re telling me this free, volunteer-run feature full software isn’t almost as good as the multi-million dollar product from a multi-billion dollar company?
You’re describing the truth about Linux vs windows, except many Linux oses are better than anything ms makes.
I’m pretty sure Photoshop was better in 2003 than gimp is today
Yeah, it just comes off sarcastic to me, which apparently means people think Linux is not popular enough to talk about or something. I don’t know, it just rubs me the wrong way.
I think it’s less about ux and more about being confused. People aren’t faking being confused. I’m pretty tech savvy but had to do a double take. Still don’t fully understand the nuances of federation after over a year and a half. I don’t really need to understand all of it though.
I don’t really want them here, but I’d rather them be here than on reddit. Reddit is more toxic than this place and a lot of that comes top down. At least here people can spin off an instance the minute admins/mods act like dicks. There, the culture just gets worse and festers and it contributes to toxicity in the world outside itself. Imagine if the r/theDonald pricks have been ostracized and started their own instance which most instances defederated with quickly.
Can we stop with this? It was an over hyped slogan and we can give it a rest. People are slowly switching to Linux and that’s good enough
Considering there are untold thousands of companies, that couldn’t possibly be true.
Ah yes most companies are actively destroying democracy
Actually useful?
Well I think it’s mostly a me thing but I just hit a point a few years ago that I seemed nothing I’d owned from Sony for a long time had been worth a damn. Most of their products are at a price point that you expect decent quality, better than I felt I’d been getting
Pretty much, in short. But it used to be far less shitty