We’re in this together, and we need to stick together.
Don’t abandon your comrades!
An injustice somewhere is an injustice everywhere.
no one of us can be free until everybody is free
Maya Angelou, from memory, so assume a paraphrase.
“Freedom is merly privilege extended unless enjoyed by one and all”
- Internationale
In case anyone doesn’t know,
Fascists start with the minorities within minorities, the smallest groups they can, to test the waters, get the smallest pushback, boil the societal frog, and normalize those people going away. It’s an easier and more manageable proposition for the Fascists to send LGBTQ to the gas chambers a letter at a time as the other letters hunch their heads hoping not to be noticed than have to fight a unified LGBTQ, for example.
It’s what the “First they came for the socialists” poem is about. If you don’t defend the lives of those unlike you, unless you have blonde hair, blue eyes, and tow every single ideological line of “normality,” they’ll get to you eventually(unless you’re very wealthy, they’ll get a pass as always no matter what, don’t worry), and as they force you on the
trainTesla CyberSwastiBus, you’ll remember all the people you were fine with suffering the same fate when it wasnt you, no longer there to appeal to in solidarity to save your selfish, solely self-interested ass.That’s what I hate about capitalism even before its inevitable end stage of fascism, its faustian appeal to the darkest part of our nature: “rational self-interest,” the rebranding and rehabbing of being a selfish antisocial fuck into somehow being virtuous. It’s the opposite. It is the very bedrock of being a shitty person and the underlying cause of most human suffering, "sure, but what’s in it for meeeeeeee?"
It boggles my mind how so many don’t/can’t/refuse to see how this foundational requirement of capitalism, the nurturing of selfishness as virtue and not profound character defect worthy of scorn, will always lead society to mass dehumanization of others. How else can you be comfortable eating a feast on a personal mega yacht while children are denied school lunches and human beings die under our freeways? “Well, I’m better than them, they’re beneath meeeeeeee after all so they deserve their suffering and I deserve all their portions.”
This is why trans rights are human rights!
There is no freedom, without being free to, look, feel, dress, love, etc how you want.
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Exactly, I’m a dad with 2 kids, and the “war” on trans people is also a “war” on me. Because your rights are my rights and my rights are your rights. Freedom isn’t a saladbar where you pick the things you like. Freedom only works if it works for all people. Like justice freedom should be blind to race, gender, sexuality, etc.
I’m often skeptical of the idea of intersectionality. Trying to lump people who are black, queer, atheist, immigrants, feminists, etc. in one big group and have them fight for each other’s rights isn’t going to work super well, and any division can just detail the whole effort.
But the T in LGBT has been there since the very early days of the gay rights movement. Trans people were not just there at Stonewall, they were the crux of the riots, for fuck’s sake! I grew up when people were literally trying to erase gay people from existence - the whole “is it a choice vs. are you born gay?” debate, which was both insulting and not important (oh, if it’s a choice, then it’s fine for you to oppress someone?) was erasure. Gay-erasure was a thing, everyone. Bi-erasure has been a thing for ages! Now I see the same thing happening to trans folks, and it’s like a bunch of people are either forgetting it or willfully ignoring history.
It’s not even just about what this comic is saying, i.e., if you let them come for people who are trans, then soon they’ll come for you. Even if I knew 100% gay marriage was not under threat AT ALL, I’d still support the trans community, because it’s not a tit-for-tat when someone’s existence is at stake! Sure, we need to convince the public, sure it’s hard and sure, there are some small (VERY small in terms of numbers) issues like trans athletes and regretful transitioners that maybe need some working through or compromises, just as gay marriage had to start with civil unions before the public accepted “marriage.” But it’s worth fighting for!
Okay, rant over, especially with me knowing Lemmy is fine with trans folks, y’all are good peeps, I just felt angry about this today.
I do think their point is to not give an inch when fighting for inclusivity
This is how I read the post and why I shared it
Don’t give an inch, they’ll take a mile
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and any division can just detail the whole effort.
that is their goal, that’s the reason we need intersectionality, divided we get the boot
Need a t-shirt with one of those rainbow chameleons on, they are very cute!
Unfortunately they don’t sell shirts but the do sell enamel pins
Thanks, dropped then a message about t shirt possibilities
it would hav made mor sens if evil anti trns peep would hav older lgbt flag where there is no trns an intersx. jus a thought tho… ~
I wouldn’t have gotten the message if it was the old rainbow flag, personally.
I believe Smrty is referring to the cameleons’ pattern. Specifically their tails.
Ah, I get it. The anti-trans chameleon has trans colors in their tail.
yesyes, exactly!! i am referring to the tails yesyes. if they jus… remained boring ol legacy lgbt-nonplus flag, it would hav made a bit mor sens… kinda.
I took this as an important part of the message. At the end of the day, the anti T chameleon is protesting against its own tail.
Very fair. That makes lots of sens-
Those are awful chameleons.
Not even to talk about the bright rainbow ones screaming “I WANT TO BE YOUR NEXT SNACK”, but even the normal one is green despite being on a brown branch
just say queer at this point
I usually do, but being the community it is (196) I figured making the title short and silly would aid in it getting traction.
The new fox show “to catch a real transgender” coming right up! And the government is introducing LG Tuesdays! That’s when the police doesn’t as you if you’re Lesbian or gay during routine stops based on the colors of your vehicle.