• 16 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 11th, 2023

  • Ok we gotta get this to work. But first questions first. Are you now or have you ever been a hottie? If male, is your penis at least 7.5"? These are very important questions. She’s a hottie but it doesn’t matter because you’re supposed to love me, not her. But she’s supposed to love you. Can you sign the backstreet boys songs? Or the songs from Pink? Are you a gambler but you keep your cool and regularly make a ton of money in the stock market? Anyway, as for me, I got the sad bod going. I’m not too tall, not too short, 6" penis. I’m at a good age. And I love to be loved. And I love to love. So we will definitely click. Man, this is going great 😃. So yeah, tell us which end you’ll need from me and which end she can get from you! LOL.

  • A pager is a rectangular device which is able to display the phone number of someone calling your number. Several thousand years ago all cave men wanted to get one. They instead drew paintings on walls by spitting chewed chemicals from their mouth. Later on we indeed had some which made people look way smarter and important than they really were. Now we have cellphones which can transfer billions upon billions of phone number worths of text and image spam and ads. Sometimes people send their cave paintings to one another. But they are strictly for the purpose of sending ads for things we should buy to prevent the economy from collapsing under the rich and powerful.

  • He has said several times before that he would end the ruzzian occupation by making a deal with them. Most definitely a loser’s deal where Ukraine would give up land.

    Everyone else with half a brain cell left in our brain and with some heart, we think ruzzians should get the fuck out and pay for all the damage and murdering. That’s the negotiation that needs to happen. And you see, am just a regular person with a low IQ. I’m sure Harrys will do way better. And I’m sure any person could probably do better at least at deciding if ruzzia is doing something bad.

  • Here in Washington State it has had some effect. At my work, we had many people leave because their salary wasn’t on the high side of the range even though they were more senior. We also had hiccups in hiring because candidates come in asking for the high end salary but then their experience is abysmal to say the least. But then you train this person for 2 or 3 years for them to actually be of any use, and they leave because now they got something to chase a higher salary with. A small company can’t afford to raise salaries all the time, specially if it’s for people who are in training and don’t even know it. Anyway, to give you a clue, if you fuck up like 5 times and nobody gives a shit, you’re still in training. However, if you think you’re gonna fuck up and upper management call a meeting to discuss the status, then you should probably ask for a raise.