So, after end of shift, which was too early for being a minimum wage hourly paid job (3 hours, bruh) I spoke with a coworker.
I basically said I rather take my time, since working longer means more money, and that I even take the time to double or triple check the counts of things since I prefer to do it accurately rather than fast.

After saying something along the lines of “If I don’t get a negative point for low speed, it’s probably good enough.” I heard a familiar voice:
“Come look at your speed -”

Aaaaæäãæâåæuuæaâä, my throat tightened, my eyes looking for source of the voice somewhere on my left. They find a gap between boxes, just large enough to see the eyes of flaming doom. My doom.
My legs, almost on their own, start making coordinated movements that move the upper part of my body around the boxes towards my boss who’s staring at a laptop screen, all while my brain resonates “I done fucked up”.
My body now standing at the destination, few steps away from where I was, but still a mile road away. My mind clears enough to ask the eyes for what they see. They see a glowing rectangle, a laptop screen, thousands of squares from far away forming an image of a spreadsheet. One line a different shade, higlighted, it bears my name.
Far below average, in fact the slowest.
Boss standing on my right dooms me with final verdict, “That is slow enough for a negative point.”
Indeed, one third the average speed today. Worker x 0.3, one third.

I was just told I don’t need to count everything twice (or thrice which I haven’t mentioned but sometimes do as I distrust myself), and that small mistakes in accuracy are tolerated.
And also that she noticed me being below the average quite often. I wish I had access to those statistics.


    14 days ago

    If you’re earning minimum wage and being called in for a 3 hour shift, find another job. That’s bullshit.

    14 days ago

    To me this is on your management. If no one ever told you that you should have been going faster, how were you supposed to know that speed is preferred over accuracy?

    If you want something from someone: Without communication, it is a wish. Living in lala land. With communication it becomes an expectation.

    If management had been noticing your slowness and not talking to you, they either suck at their job(s) or it really doesn’t matter what speed you go.

    14 days ago

    Ouch. Still, by setting the bar low from onset any small marginal increase in speed will be seen as progressive.

    14 days ago

    What a truly awful boss, I’m so sorry they treated you like that. Any half decent manager would have told you their expectations at the start and they would have given you a heads up before there was an actual problem