Femboys are you going to be able to get the covid vaccine? For the next week or so I can get it out of the office in the morning but I don’t know if it will be a good time for me to come over and get it out of the way and I can get it out of the way and I can get it out of the way…
Punctuation added by me. I do not have access to the covid vaccine, but I do suggest all USA femboys (and everyone else) get vaccinated asap as I worry all vaccines may be illegal in the USA soon.
To me this is on your management. If no one ever told you that you should have been going faster, how were you supposed to know that speed is preferred over accuracy?
If you want something from someone: Without communication, it is a wish. Living in lala land. With communication it becomes an expectation.
If management had been noticing your slowness and not talking to you, they either suck at their job(s) or it really doesn’t matter what speed you go.