ID: Text title: “There are only five sexes:” Bellow, clockwise from the left are an image of a map with the county of Wessex highlighted in red, then 3 photos of the following road signs: “Welcome to ESSEX”, “COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX”, “Welcome to EAST SUSSEX” and “Welcome to WEST SUSSEX”
SMH, no Noresex
No sex
Tag yourself I’m sus.
I’m east sus
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The avatar being some rando kid from Southend
there’s an excellent joke in Cassette Beasts where you cross the cliffs of Eastham, and on the other side is a big boring dust bowl labeled “ham”.
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Four. Sussex has no need of east and west.
((((Alfred hath entered the chatte, and made it be known to thofe thereabout that he intendf to make one kingedom of ængleland altogether))))
Doesn’t seem like you meant anything by it in this context, but fyi:
🤔 fucking fourchanners man. Nope first I’ve heard of this to be honest
Yeah, I figured from the context that wasn’t your intent, but thought you should be aware so you can avoid any misunderstanding in future…
Funnily enough, I was going to comment “Four. Middlesex is not a county anymore.”
Edit: saying that, I’m not sure what ‘Wessex’ is meant to be
The historical Kingdom of Wessex
“Four. Middlesex is not a county anymore.”
Maybe not in old England, here in New England we’ve still got one:,_Massachusetts