Fake and wholesome
“Girls are gonna think I’m autistic”…
Autistic people have relationships and one night stands and everything in between. What he’s thinking of is the word “loser”. Don’t conflate the two.
I think he meant they were going to think he was autistic because of his single-minded obsession with his shrimp. Also a bad stereotype, but a different one, at least.
This is 4chan… 4channers say Autistic to mean antisocial losers or actually autistic. No this isn’t cool, but it’s also important to understand there’s a lot of edgey and cringy losers in 4chan that use a lot of slurs by default.
Fair enough. My entire exposure to 4chan is from greentext posts, I have no concept of the ‘culture’ there.
based and shrimp-pilled
I guess it was that shrimple after all.
A wholesome green text? Neat.
I’d call him Shrimpy
Shrimp’s Odyssey