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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023


  • You come up with an unusual opinion, people answer with counter arguments, and rather than explaining your position you come back with one liners that bring nothing to the discussion.

    Do you have an example where the downfall of a society was beneficial to its citizens? In the last thousand years? More than one, so we can see that it’s generally a good thing?

  • In the last years I’ve tried Ubuntu, Debian, crunchbang and PopOS. A few months ago I asked IT if I could change the os on my company laptop from Windows 10 to Linux Mint. It means I have to stay outside the AD domain, but since almost everything (email, teams, OneDrive…) is available on the web, the only downside is not being able to use the wifi projectors. I can live with that. Mint is simple to use, easy on the eyes and stable as hell. And windows games run really well with proton, except maybe Starfield but I can wait :)

  • I’ve heard about that, but I feel a majority of meat eaters are quite tolerant with veganism and don’t see it a a threat to their masculinity. And I think I can say this threat isn’t even relevant in the case of women meat eaters. About the study you linked: it doesn’t really try to take an objective standpoint on the matter since its entire premise is the necessity to convince meat eaters to change their eating habits. Also is says itself (end of section 5) that the link between eating meat and masculinity wasn’t specifically targeted by the study. The authors do mention though that the link between masculinity and meat eating can be attributed to perceptions created by industry marketing. But in this article (as well as in my own personal experience) this link seems at best anecdotal.

  • I might be late to the discussion, but it seems that your life has been hard and full of abuse. A lot of people here answered your comments with compassion, but your replies were almost always aggressive. It’s ok to feel hatred towards your abusers, but the fact that you seem to immediately hate people that try to peacefully communicate with you is, objectively, very wrong. Even if all the abusers in the world died tomorrow, would you be happy?