Blue ink. Blue paper. Blue crystals. Blue legos. All things that are definitely blue. Can’t be any other color, cause they’re blue.
I’m Hunter Perrin. I’m a software engineer.
I wrote an email service:
I write free software:
Blue ink. Blue paper. Blue crystals. Blue legos. All things that are definitely blue. Can’t be any other color, cause they’re blue.
You know that list of the richest people in the world?
I don’t know. Maybe.
I can dislocate four of my fingers. I can use this to do the finger splits.
I can also lay all my fingers flat on my palm (same hand, I’m not being a smartass). Can’t bend them all the way back though.
There’s is already an operating system like that.
I mean, kind of. Conservatives don’t view Donald Trump and Elon Musk as the wealthy elite that they are. They view them as “political outsiders”. So yeah, people want change from the status quo, because the status quo is broken for so many.
I don’t think the guy making 12 million dollars a year off the suffering of the poor counts as a fall guy.
Robin Hood, famous fascist.
I sure hope so with how difficult the rich are making it to just fucking get by in this world. Just having more wealth and power than anyone in the history of mankind isn’t enough for them; they have to make sure everyone else has nothing.
Gosh I just feel so sorry for all of them. I can’t imagine the struggle.
That’s the last time I invest in an opportunity championed by someone who’s only claim to fame is their explanation of how to properly suck a dick.
A lot of marketing, but also he had to be incredibly talented and successful for the marketing to work, and he was.
Thriller is the best selling album of all time by a wide margin:
Slorb on my knorb like corn on the orb.
What, are you gonna drain the pool every time you need to use the scissor lift?
I swear to God, that mascot is the default output of Stable Diffusion if you put no prompt.
I’m not even joking. I don’t remember exactly which model, but I’ve generated that exact same mascot by doing that.
Omg, that looks so good. And it seems so easy to make!
No, do it yourself. You have email. Email them. Don’t annoy everyone with your support requests.
This is not the place to ask for that support.
Ok, I’ll name this guy Larry.