Isn’t Syncthing for Android getting sundowned?
Isn’t Syncthing for Android getting sundowned?
Beyond my normal use case, I still think there are some Internet things that are “big screen” tasks. Too many websites still have poorly optimized mobile interferfaces.
It’s often covered under obscenity and sex offender laws, though.
Ah, but you see, we consented to the cruelty against ourselves.
Is it really that shocking that a woman wouldn’t want to be called girl or child? Sure, boy is still used. But in your post you used man, not boy. I’d say an easy rule is if you’d use the word man in a sentence, don’t use the word girl.
I agree that’s how math works, but by reporting a negative percentage with it colored red is misleading at best. Perhaps a better metric would be +/- |(percent change)| where + indicates profit growth and and - indicates profit reduction?
How is -0.5B -> 2.33B a -564% change?
Except when you’re walking on a road, you should walk on the opposite side of vehicle traffic.
Fourth not OP. Wear them in my work boots every day, even when it’s hot as shit.
While I love this film, I feel like a sequel would just kinda ruin the ending.
Gotta be HBO though. For reasons. Otherwise I can’t grok it.
I think they are making an Eragon adaptation (for the first time, of course). I think Disney+ is making a series, similar to them restarting Percy Jackson.
Historically the VP has been one of the weakest political positions when it comes to actual power or ability to effect change. Just depends on how much the cabinet/president listen to you.
My MILs computer literally takes about 10-20 minutes to boot up. When I told her I’d help her upgrade it, she said she’s fine with it. She turns it on and then does a load of laundry while she waits. It’s painful.
I hate the smell of raw brown sugar. I like it in foods, and it’s fine cooked, but the raw smell makes me gag.
I definitely meant gparted in my reply. That’ll teach me to proofread better.
You can move partitions so they are next to each other and then expand. The easiest way Ive found is to boot a love USB distro, since the partitions can’t be mounted when you do it. Open parted and you can resize and move around.
Backup before you do it!
I was not expecting to see this reference today. What do I do if the trolley is conducted by an angry little dwarf with a nasty knife?
Or maybe I share a computer with my partner that absolutely does not want to see a boot menu when they turn on the computer.
I also self host FreshRSS. Was super easy to setup. I don’t expose it, so when away from home I use wire guard to connect to my home network.