Win 10: ‘the final version of Windows’ actually kinda decent
Win 11: “when we said f’inal version of Windows’ we meant it’s the final version that your old ass computer would run. Go buy a new one.”
Win 10: ‘the final version of Windows’ actually kinda decent
Win 11: “when we said f’inal version of Windows’ we meant it’s the final version that your old ass computer would run. Go buy a new one.”
No, that’s impossible, they were only born like . . . Oh good when did I become an old?
Won’t someone think of the property values?!?
iirc anything after 802.11ac doesn’t allow AP mode on client devices. Something about not being able to scan for restricted channels in 5/6ghz
Hmmm. The spam bots are learning.
Yeah, he keeps bringing them up any time he needs to distract from any negative coverage of him or his own failings. They’re now on pause after they succeeded in their goal of distraction.
Don’t get me wrong, they’ll come up again. And again. And again. It’s one of the easiest levers he can pull or buttons he can press to get massive attention with very little impact to himself.
That’s just the fringe benefit. The real aim was to distract from the plane crashes he caused with his mismanagement of the FAA, and the half dozen agencies that have been hijacked by people without security clearance
At least in the US, they lock things down so heavily that they’re the only one able to do most repairs, so they’ve got tons of people in house or for body work they’ll have someone they exclusively sub-let the work to.
You can double tap the F key to toggle full screen on/off and the arrow behavior will revert to normal
Is that where the term goon cave comes from? Is it like a wine cellar for cheap wine?
And the Gameboy color, and Gameboy advance too. They’ve done this many times
If I understand correctly, it’s nat on the local home router AND nat on the ISP’s router as well. It’s a double nat.
They’re fairly common in the US with smaller or local fiber networks, but most ISPs offer a static IP for an additional $10/month to bypass the CGNAT
Lmfao, that’s the same distance as my commute to work, and I can bike that in 17-20 minutes
Lol by the time I actually needed to upgrade from that mini, all the fruit stand stuff wasn’t really upgradable anymore. It was really frustrating, so I jumped ship to Windows.
Those iMac screens seemed so fiddley to remove just to get access to the drives. Why won’t they just bolt them in instead of using glue! (I know why, but I still don’t like it)
Lol, I used to have an 08 Mac mini and that required a razor blade and putty knives to open. I got pretty good at it after separately upgrading the RAM adding an SSD and swapping out the cpu for the most powerful option that Apple didn’t even offer
Yeah, but they wouldn’t let him nuke the hurricane, so he’s already forgotten about it
It sounds just like the effects of Elon announcing the hyperloop.
1 announce new tech that solves all the problems
2 don’t give a release timeline
3 profit, due to delay
4 the people you lied to finally figure out the problem solving promises were actually lies.
I think we should call this type of scheme hyperlooping