I can’t tell you how much happier I was to move to a neighborhood in the city where the grocery store was a 5 min walk away. I always see old ladies with a wheelie cart walking home from the store. And one day I said Fuck it I’m getting an old lady cart! And it’s the best! I can comfortably buy more groceries and walk them home. Only time I ever need to bring the car is if we’re buying cases of beer or something else large.
This is the best answer. There’s a reason that subway maps are often not an accurate representation of where stops actually are on a map, but instead are condensed and made easier to read in a way that loosely shows where the stops are and also makes each stop easy to read along with other key info that’s relevant. When you’re on a train, you don’t need accurate maps of where stop are, you just need to know where your stop is, how many stops away, or connecting trains.
Not that female anatomy is akin to a train system… Or is it?