Nothing wrong with a dude in a suit.
Nothing wrong with a dude in a skirt.
Wear what makes you happy.
No woman in a burqa (or a hijab or a burkini) has ever done me any harm. But I was sacked (without explanation) by a man in a suit. Men in suits missold me pensions and endowments, costing me thousands of pounds. A man in a suit led us on a disastrous and illegal war. Men in suits led the banks and crashed the world economy. Other men in suits then increased the misery to millions through austerity. If we are to start telling people what to wear, maybe we should ban suits.
Henry Stewart London
It’s kinda funny, the character pictured was a “good guy” lawyer whose tactics frequently included things like extortion, blackmail, and turning favours owed into conflicts of interest.
And on the show, one of the biggest scandals (from the show’s perspective) was that he had hired someone without a law license.
It was the lawyer version of the cop propaganda shows, though more like lethal weapon ones showing them getting in trouble for breaking rules because they cared so much about doing the right thing and the rules were getting in the way.
Oh it also had a huge loser that would betray and abuse his power whenever he was in a bad mood but he’s lore family and really cared about the firm, so it’s OK!
i want
I share the same feeling as you
Proof that men want to wear skirts:
Both are looking great; and they are dating!
I’d watch this sitcom
I’d watch something other than a sitcom ;3
I dress like the person on the left and I need to find a SO like on the right. Life is hard…
I dress like that!!
I don’t have a good top to my outfit tho, just a skirt and thigh highs so far.
I wish I could wear that without looking like a viking in a dress.
Coward. Wear it.
I’m wearing a skirt and thigh highs right now.
hi wearing a skirt and thigh highs right now, i’m fest
It’s -2 celcius today…
long skirt and stockings
Wear thermal nude-tone undergarments to keep your legs warm without wearing pants.
Skirts look comfy but i think i would prefer to not be endlessly ridiculed by my peers. lol
They should at least try it as a treat