They also use more land for just about every sport and recreational activity that requires a dedicated facility.
Unless the area is out of space, and the golf course existing is the only reason why a given wind/solar project isn’t going forward, the comparison is pretty useless.
Golf requires over 1600 square meters per player. It is a horribly inefficient use of space. They could be turned into great parks where lots of people could go, but instead only a restricted few are allowed in that area at a time.
At the very least, kick golf courses out of cities. They can be on the outskirts.
They usually are on the outskirts. The land value alone is too high in the city.
Also, not everything has to be about max efficiency. People enjoy golfing, so there should be somewhere for them to golf.
Sure, just ban private and exclusionary clubs and give everyone the right to join and play of they wish. Then its fair.
Maybe it’s a location thing, but most courses around me are open to the public. Of the private ones I know of, one is exclusively for the owners of the McMansions on the course itself, and realistically, that would just be a choice between golf course or more McMansions. In that particular case, the golf course is probably the better choice for the environment.
Are they incompatible?
Put a wind turbine on a golf course as a new hazard or something.
Windmills in mini-golf but for real this time
Money talks.
Because golf is more important than the environment! /s
Such an inanely dumb “sport”.
One was here long af. Other is new.
How can be more if one than the other? :o
One costs massive amounts of water to maintain. Other brings free green energy.
How can be more if one than the other? (sic)
One is a favorite pasttime of rich (and not onky) folks, one is built only “recently”.
The one that’s been here long af has also been considered to be environmentally and socially problematic for long af.
Golf courses should have been dismantled long ago.
Because Golf Courses are usually built in low cost locations in high cost areas. Like flood plains. There’s only so many things you can reasonably build in flood plains, golf courses are one of them. Have you ever noticed that golf courses are often next to lakes and rivers?
Also, what is with the European need to optimize every square inch of land? Y’all still have abandoned buildings!
Can leave it as a public park instead of a private endeavor that the public can’t access.
Disc golf courses are awesome use for that land, and anyone can play for free, there’s no upkeep.
A public park is government funded. A flood plain is expensive to maintain. Better to just let someone else deal with it.
Remember that local governments only have so much budget, and it’s shared between many things. You can’t just spend money on everything, somethings got to give
We also have fucking roofs.
I don’t think you understand what a flood is. A flood comes from underneath and the sides. I think you’re thinking of rain, which causes floods.
You’re misinterpreting my comment.
We dont need to optimize for every square inch with solar since we also have roofs we can put solar on.