As a shut in with social anxiety and very introverted I’m wondering how to find friends now that I got better. Basically starting from zero since I know nobody in my city so I’m wondering if someone has some experience with finding friends as lonely anxious introvert and just how other people find friends.
Do you have an hobbies that may have groups in your area? What about volunteering somewhere if feasible?
All my hobbies are inside, gaming, movies, anime, tv shows, cooking/baking. Was looking into some larp club but there are only for kids and teenagers.
Local game shops will definitely have board game nights
Pokémon Club! I went with my kids ages ago, and I’m the only one that habitually goes now.
Half the group are below 5-20, the other half are 20 and above - and it’s an absolute riot. I’ve made some decent friends, taken Pokémon Go raid bosses that I’d never have been able to take in a rural area normally, and the adult-only raid walks are just a good excuse to chat bollocks. I’m not really in to the TCG side of things, but even the people who I don’t have much in common with are awesome for type and counter knowledge.
I’m not even big into the Pokémon series, it’s just an excuse to talk shite for an hour and rinse some XP.
Have any outdoor hobbies ever interested you? Never too late to get into something new.
Same, I hate how you can’t do anything with single inside hobbies, but I can’t fake interest in outside stuff
Agree with LBS/LGS!! If you live in an area that doesn’t have those maybe try discord groups of some games you like? Or be a rando in some group games and maybe find friends that way
Cooking and baking classes are fun and a good place to meet people.
What kind of gaming are you into?
All kinds mainly automation but also love tf2. Factorio, timber born, fallout, space engineers, valheim,