• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I learned last week that you can set up Thunderbird with Gmail and run it almost exactly like outlook, with rules and folders and all. Cut down about 3000+ emails I’d been too lazy to delete or sort on my own to zero with a few rules and folders. 10/10, highly recommend.

  • They want the earth to die. It’s literally prophesied in their Scriptures, that the sign that their Rapture is imminent include famine, death, war, and conquest. Their explicit goal is to bring about the Second Coming, wherein so many people will be killed, their blood fills up the Armageddon up to the shoulder of a warhorse. The old heaven and old earth, our earth, will very destroyed, so that paradise can come for God’s Chosen.

  • For very stilted, academic, formal conversation, it is, but for conversation with social superiors, social inferiors, peers, friends, family, in a business setting, a political setting, or any number of other social situations, you start using a lot of other first person pronouns instead, especially distinguishing male from female, childish from elderly, etc.