Try it.
Rock Paper Scissors
First two, Paper beats Rock.
Eliminate Rock.
New First two, Scissors beats Paper.
Eliminate Paper.
Scissors wins.
Anything and everything Amateur Radio and beyond. Heavily into Open Source and SDR, working on a multi band monitor and transmitter.
#geek #nerd #hamradio VK6FLAB #podcaster #australia #ITProfessional #voiceover #opentowork
Try it.
Rock Paper Scissors
First two, Paper beats Rock.
Eliminate Rock.
New First two, Scissors beats Paper.
Eliminate Paper.
Scissors wins.
I wonder if it’s caused by the crap build quality, the price or the Muppet in charge. I suppose it could be the ongoing promises for level 5 autonomous driving that is always at least six months away and has been for years.
Happy coincidence?
This is very common and the solution is simple:
This works because every item you eliminated was worse than at least one other item in the list.
Except that the idea is that you cannot get data in or out of the corporate network. Depending on how it’s implemented will determine how successful that is.
Regardless, you’re likely to lose your job if it’s detected without written permission and even then it’s likely to turn into a security pissing match.
From having played with the remote desktop offering from AWS, it’s a Windows Server running a terminal session. It’s likely heavily locked down and on its own network with likely no inbound network connectivity.
Similarly, the compute nodes are likely to be locked down to only accept connections from the remote desktop network.
It all depends on what the brief was to whomever set it up.
You might be able to do some shenanigans with the web browser on the remote desktop, but for my money, I’d just open your browser, set it to full screen and forget about how your keystrokes are travelling.
Ultimately, unless you’re a shareholder, it’s their money.
And for the record, it might be that the IT department doesn’t want you to run your own SSH session for a bunch of very good reasons.
Meh, blame their phone, not your account.
I once sat in a technical audience where the supposedly technical speaker was explaining why our national organisation shouldn’t use Google Ads on our website. He explained that the ads were inappropriate, because when he tested, it only showed ads for women’s night wear.
The audience stayed very, very quiet.
Afterwards nobody had the courage to explain that the advertising was linked to the browser, not the website.
I run a cli ookla speedtest every five hours using cron and put the output into a CSV that I visualise daily using graphviz.
Why do you care? It’s entirely open source and you can download the whole thing and run it on your own hardware for $2,000.
Thank you for the link. Very interesting.
It appears that this research is in its infancy and significant further research is required.
I’m not a biologist, nor can I read that paywalled article, but I’d be curious to learn how the male, prepubescent and post menopausal population is affected by the menstrual cycle.
… cuts nose to spite face …
I get that WhatsApp is not a platform to use if you care about your privacy, but WTF is “Delta Chat” and why would I switch to it rather than say Signal?
I have no idea what Bazzite is.
The error says that there’s a missing file. If it used to work, but after you updated, upgraded, compiled, installed or something to get a new kernel, it broke.
I’m guessing that you installed the wrong kernel or didn’t update the initial ramdisk correctly.
You might be able to boot using the previous kernel, but I’d start with trying to figure out what you did to get here.
You should be able to boot from the installation media in rescue mode to fix this, but that won’t happen until you know what’s broken.
What do you call a person who practices the pull out method of birth control?
A parent.
It seems appropriate to describe Facebook itself as a cybersecurity threat because of the OS platform it runs on. Perhaps they should also ban all the technologies named on this page … just to be safe.
In my opinion, the article provides absolutely no proof of any of its assertions, there are no links to source material, the author cites no research and in general appears to have written an opinion piece specifically for the purpose of alarming the reader.
This doesn’t mean that the author is wrong, but it also doesn’t mean they’re right either.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof and this has plenty of the former and nothing of the latter.
I rarely play games on my computers, coding is the bulk of what I do, the rest is data analysis, email and research.
It doesn’t exist yet, so there’s nothing to approve.