How hard it is to call out trump zionizm without justifying Biden complicity with the genocide
How hard it is to call out trump zionizm without justifying Biden complicity with the genocide
He also bypassed congress twice to give billions of aid to Israel. Nobody is excusing trump freeing 2000 pound of bomb to Israel
How about self reliance?
Nice projection
Don’t make fun of a comment advovating for imposing real pressure on Israel if you don’t want to be accused to supporting it. It is funny how you are complaining about putting words to your mouth while you accusing me of only caring about israeli occupation of palestine and the genocide issue when there is literaly zero indication about it
My comment was advocating to sanction Israel as a whole because it’s the Israeli government who is financing the settlers and even arms them and stop giving miliary aids to Israel that are used to kill Palestinians and all you did was making a dumb joke about my comment
Better than your solution of keeping supporting Israel
The only real way to curb settlers violence and support a two state solution is no more weapon at all to israel and global sanctions on the israeli state itself. Something the two genocidal parties would never do
Palestinians assure you that they will resist no matter what
Keep humiliating yourself
Therw are soldiers aka murderers in the hostage held by Hamas and therebare innocent people aka hostages in Isrseli prisons
Yes, he is just a hypocrite. He will always be remembered as genocide joe
7 of october and taking large numer of hostage would be really hard to repeat while it’s so easy for Israel to kidnap ton of palestinians and that’s what Israel is doing all time. The occupied should never have to give concessions in a perfect world
Biden could but didn’t want a cease fire
Natanyaho already withdrew from the deal. I still way for the us to completely stop giving aids and weapons to israel
It’s also what the countries bullied by the usa also want
Will trump be the one to finally destroy usa global influence?
The colonial mentality of France never left
Is there really people supporting PA for a civil war to happen?
With the palestinian autority complicity