• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Super famous singer “offers” to be featured on your track

    “Sure! I had my lawyer write up a contract; let me send it to your people and we can go from there.”

    If they’re cool, they’ll negotiate and sign a contract. “Just trust me, bro!” is never an acceptable answer. Protect yourself; have a contract before collaborating with anyone.

  • Do you like fantasy? Check out Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End; it’s what recently got me to watch anime. It tells a great story with compelling characters, has some awesome action scenes, and keeps all of the things I hate about anime (excessive melodrama and fanservice) to a minimum.

    It’s just a great show, and not merely a great anime.

  • I remember laughing at some dude in a Ferarri not checking his blind spot and hitting his buddy’s Lamborghini. Then I read the story, and it turned out that the Ferrari flipped, landed on its roof (trapping the driver inside), and caught on fire. The driver and his wife burned to death.

    I mean, fuck rich assholes in their $300,000 cars, but dying a firey death isn’t funny, no matter who they are.