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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • I’ll believe it when I see it. He made his good financial decisions when he wasn’t full mask-off insane, since his wife left him and his daughter disowned him he’s had more important things to deal with, like wasting his money turning back the clock so neither of them have any rights anymore. Currently he is just banking off of those good early decisions.

    I won’t speak to the specific financials of his companies, but I don’t see him maintaining his current growth rate while so distracted for much longer. I also see his attachment to companies as a growing impediment, not an asset.

  • I don’t know about LastPass but 1Password has the same deal and they aren’t tied to eachother, it’s not an account you create under their tenant it’s just a link you can generate that makes the 1Password for Families plan free on your account as long as your employer is paying for the corporate one.

  • shinratdr@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlsIGmA BeHaiovouR
    5 months ago

    Most people.

    Also the majority of people even on PC play vanilla. When will people who mod understand this. MOST PEOPLE DON’T MOD. That’s not even counting the people who did mod when they had the time to fuck around with stuff like that and no longer do, like myself.

  • shinratdr@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlYes, but
    6 months ago

    I think the problem with capitalism isn’t the cool stuff that has been produced under it, it’s everything else about it. Literally the only reason to forgo buying a MacBook or a Google Home device as some sort of anti-capitalism spite move is to have the upper hand in conversations like this. In reality, you not making those purchases won’t move the needle in any way. If it did, it would be in the negative. Our entire economic system and system of employment relies on making purchases like that. Consumer spending is the economy.

    Fundamentally there is no difference between buying an iPhone vs any other phone in terms of its support for capitalism. If anything, an iPhone might be better. Apple actually inspects its factories and at least pays lip service to stopping the most egregious abuses like forced or child labour. That white box Chinese android phone? If anything was built by forced or child labour, it’s that.

    So targeting individuals for their purchases is both pointless and counterproductive. If you want to affect change, then vote, protest, organize. Push for and support proper regulation and controls. Make it so that people’s employment isn’t required for them to get healthcare, services, shelter. Make it so that an economic recession impacts those with the most, not those with the least.

    Stressing about trying to make the least capitalist choice under a capitalist system just does exactly what they want you to do. The more time you spend judging your neighbour, the less time you spend looking up and see who’s really fucking you.

  • Pokémon Sweatshops

    I think that was literally a plot point in one of the earlier games or anime? That one will be easy to adapt, just make Team Rocket the heroes for being shrewd businesspeople and you the villain for daring to question the will of the free market.