Is eating your own egg cannibalism or breakfast?
Is eating your own egg cannibalism or breakfast?
Yep, stopped probably 7 years ago when we moved into our place and cut the antenna cable. We pretty much watch political commentators on YouTube and the odd movie on stream, as well as whatever’s in our DVD collection.
I use it A LOT for work. Basically looking for real life images of the lighting application that I’m designing for to convey the intent to the client in a visual way.
I might also use it for art inspiration but not often.
Could we not go for a more sustainable solution? I’m sure they’d make a pretty decent fertiliser.
How come the article goes into depth about the driver? I also want to know the state of the other cyclists who were crashed into.
And the car catching on fire later is a bit suspicious.
All in all, not surprising but disappointing all around. I hope the driver is charged for manslaughter.
Edit: Driver died this morning. Frustrating outcome for all as no charges will be made now that she’s dead.
Bicycle helmets
The whole process was rigged. There was no national call for dancers and Holy Molly was objectively better in the qualifiers, though not as good as other B-girls around the country.
Raygun was an absolute embarrassment and shouldn’t have been sent over. There’s a time and place to practice new moves and the Olympics is not the place.
It makes me wonder if the result of this ban in Australia will see a rise in forums and chat rooms.
Fair, not yet but the bill has passed and it’s now being written into law in Australia, where I live. I agree that it’ll be difficult for the child to be the odd one out if most people in society are doing something that they’re banned from doing at home but when has that stopped society from progressing? Why teach to cave into societal pressure when you can apply critical thinking as to why it’s being limited in the first place?
Kids 16 and under accessing social media. Responsibility should be on their parents and household, not the government.
Knock knock
Who’s there?
Lettuce who?
Lettuce in and you’ll find out!
Why didn’t the skeleton go to the dance?
Because it didn’t have any body to go with
Did anyone watch Liquid Television?
Well, from where you’re standing, everyone’s a leftie.
So, in your view, a car is more like an accessory than a mode of transport.
Could be that is just simply faster for them to use the road.
Or driving with cars around you is more predictable that pedestrians? That’s the case for me, although I always use the bike lane where I can.
The US election system is set up for the rich and powerful to stay in charge. It’s ridiculous that there’s effectively only two parties, and it’s ridiculous that a single person, the president, holds so much power. No accountability. Their system needs an entire overhaul, IMO:
Compulsory voting Ease of access for voting Preferential voting Lower bar for running, meaning every citizen has the opportunity to run
There was this incident in my town a long time ago. I believe the cause was leaking gas bottles and having them unsecured caused sparks, which then resulted in the explosion.
So, secure those gas bottles well!!
Hmmmm. And Shintoism?
Edit: I’m being cheeky. Looks like religion turns itself into tribalism when a certain population point is reached.
Buddhism is pretty alright though, isn’t it?
No, but it’s easy to predict given that the trends of the last several decades can show where we’d be in the next and the trend is: global temperatures are fluctuating more violently than the year before and occurrences of extreme weather are increasing. Additionally, nothing has been done during that time to reduce the impacts globally.
It’s scary but, let’s face it: we’re a virus that’s killing our host.