Don’t worry, AI will help us (make the situation much, much worse by simultaneously causing outages and causing a massive increase of emissions.)
Don’t worry, AI will help us (make the situation much, much worse by simultaneously causing outages and causing a massive increase of emissions.)
Not sure if it’s gotten worse - I’ve only been picking locks since the beginning of the pandemic.
You can even fly with them! I do a bit of locksport for fun and have gotten quite the side eye when picking open padlocks while waiting for a plane.
Jesus Gary Oldman is in everything and I love it. Has the man won an Oscar yet?
This is the correct answer. Private IPs are less concerning (on noes now someone knows a network in my homelab is!) - but absolutely change public IPs in logs.
If it’s necessary to reference external users/systems in multiple log files, I’ll change the names to user1
, user2
, server1
, db2
, etc
Does it have Discovery as a normal app store? You might be able to use that.
Honestly, give the terminal a shot - it’s not as complicated as you may think.
I would consider using your Synology for what it’s good at - storage.
My homelab has a Synology DS1618 and servers are Lenovo M90q systems. They have enough compute to get the job done, and use the Synology NFS mount for storage.
sudo dpkg -i /path/to/yourde.deb
Now whether or not all the packages are fubared at this point is unknown, but that’s how to install a deb file.
Yeah, for the integrated CI/CD, give GitLab a shot - it saves on spinning up a Jenkins or ConcourseCI server.
CI/CD can be useful for triggering automation after merge requests are approved, building infrastructure from code, etc.
I’ll come out with an anti-recommendation: Don’t do GitLab.
They used to be quite good, but lately (as in the past two years or so) they’ve been putting things behind a licensing paywall.
Now if your company wants to pay for GitLab, then maybe consider it? But I’d probably look at some of the other options people have mentioned in this thread.
There’s a question that has always bothered me. Wtf do you do now that you have an obviously stolen, used catalytic converter? Find an unscrupulous junk yard? Take it to a pawn shop?
Plus oh-my-zsh and the powerline 10k theme - this is my go-to shell.
Oh snap, are you the developer of Viewtube? If so, first off - great job. I do the infrastructure side of IT for my day job but aside from some basic go, I couldn’t code something like this to save my life.
I wish I had the chops to contribute to the project.
Shit, there are discord mods? Is there a list somewhere of popular mods/what do you recommend?
Heck, you could do a pre-stage play where you delegate to localhost an ansible.builtin.get_url
to download the compose file before doing the rest.
Adding to the Nazi comment - substack is basically a long form blog format, very similar (AFAICT) to Medium.
It’s anonymous bulk text posting - great for sharing logs, but don’t discount the more grey side of the internet. If you browse recent public posts there’s often some fun things like scam links, credentials, etc.
It’s definitely fallen out of favor for password dumps though.
I’m nearing the end of Infinite Wealth and I am finding every reason to keep with Ichiban instead of progressing the story.
Every menu item in Hawaii? Check. All companions to 100% bond? Check. Every table/meal conversation unlocked? Check.
Now I’m trying to collect enough materials to get the ultimate weapon for each job and do my best at getting A rankings on every mini game.
Holy shit, 35 tmux windows?! That’s insane.
and a<ctrl>-<b><d>
- done!