Worry is the worst use of imagination. The latter can take you all sorts of places, whereas the former is more of a rocking chair: misleadingly distracting but essentially stationary. 🙇🏽♂️
The Burbs.
TBF, there was a time when Photoshop was a collegiate course around the world. Now? All but the most niche aspects are automated, and any human user of software offering personal agency in its UX is part of the actual product: mapping humanity’s stats.
Canva has a “style” as much as the Marketing Dept has a soul among them. This is the result of countless hours of testing and refinement: not a masterpiece, but it sells like a MFer. Just wait until “AI” gets a real piece of the action.
For serious. These guys couldn’t seize an elephant, pfft.
Oh, wait. Is this implying that being seized by this particular squad affects the elephant’s weight?
We have similar tastes, except I blocked the circlejerk a while back. Life is better.
Talk about planted.
Eh. More like Frank Grillnah.
Get into practical effects. Be the change you want to see.
You get that from a poster? That’s dangerously irresponsible advice for someone who’s being bullied. 😶
Wouldn’t this be better with 1.) said group actually being psychologists, and 2.) a link to verify this happened at all?
edit: Apologies, I had the two fields switched in my head, but my second point stands.
It’s too bad that Room 214 had that run of inexplicable bad luck after that. It was probably just the haunting, though.
Such a fantastic piece of cinema. ❤️🔥
Again? You mean again, right?
I mean, I knew money is dirty, but damn.
Yeah, and they’re all named Ellen DeGeneres. Also, they’re just one person.
Another such wise man once told me that prefacing a joke with “Oh, man, this is hilarious” is not unlike telling people you’re a sexual teeranna’soris. 🤌🏽
I could not agree more (gotta switch; it’s getting late, heh), and I felt the same about pre-10s Barcelona, but that ship has long since sailed. Still, my travels changed my life in so many ways, and I can’t wait to get back to it! Have fun, fellow human, and here’s hoping for a better, more compassionate world for all of us in this world’s future! 🤗
Thanks for the practice, btw! 🥳🤘🏽
If you find yourself in the Frankfurt area sometime, drop me a line and I’ll be happy to link you up with some really awesome friends of mine out there.
Das ist echt geil! 🤘🏽 Meine Erkundung der EU war spontan und Frankfurt hatte den gunstigen (cheapest?) Flugpreis, aber es war die beste Überraschung, als ich ankam. Was für eine unglaubliche Stadt! Die Leute sind besser! 🤩
Also, the reference is worth acquainting yourselves with, friends. Thank me later.
All good points! Will do! 🙇🏽♂️