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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023

  • Would you accept a certificate issued by AWS (Amazon)? Or GCP (Google)? Or azure (Microsoft)? Do you visit websites behind cloudflare with CF issued certs? Because all 4 of those certificates are free. There is no identity validation for signing up for any of them really past having access to some payment form (and I don’t even think all of them do even that). And you could argue between those 4 companies it’s about 80-90% of the traffic on the internet these days.

    Paid vs free is not a reliable comparison for trust. If anything, non-automated processes where a random engineer just gets the new cert and then hopefully remembers to delete it has a number of risk factors that doesn’t exist with LE (or other ACME supporting providers).

  • This triggered a memory. When I went to university one of my flatmates bought a fancy frisbee that you could throw super far, so as a form of exercise we used to walk to a large park nearby to play.

    Come spring when the weather started getting better, the park started getting busier. On one occasion it was full of kids (like 5-6 year olds?) and parents who ignored them. We tried to stay away but the kids kept getting lured by the frisbee that flies far. At some point one of my flatmates tried to hide the frisbee under his shirt to get them to leave, but one of the kids saw him do it and ran to him trying to grab it from under his shirt and yeah… as soon as my flatmate realised the kid was going to try grabbing at him at the bottom of his shirt he immediately threw the frisbee on the ground and held up his hands as if he was at gunpoint and walked away.

    It was pretty funny from the outside but damn… do I hate parents who let their kids harass other people. It was a much better experience when a bad dog owner was there at a different occasion and we had a dog chasing us around for 20 mins…

  • While I understand the content on medium is different per author, I associate it with poor quality content. It may pop up in search results, but I actively avoid the results because of the association. Point being, the exposure you get may not be the type you want.

    Also don’t forget your content will be subject to the user experience medium decides to provide. I think it’s already subpar with it being full of popups and prompts to register and pay for an account, but consider how companies constantly enshittfy. You are giving away the control of how you are represented.

  • myliltoehurts@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlI'm helping I promise!
    3 months ago

    We trim our cats nails because when we don’t they keep getting stuck on things. They also just accept that being stuck is now their life without any complaint so sometimes it takes us hours to figure out one is now stuck to the sofa and just accepted it vs decided to sleep on the sofa.

  • I think coffee shops would be happy with a regular, if you buy something. Otherwise, maybe mix it up, go to different places?

    If the weather permits, park? Either benches or just take a towel to sit on in the grass.

    You can also read in bars, they’re probably pretty quiet during the day, but once again you’d have to buy something.

    Maybe a weird one but churches are often available to the public and they’re quiet, with seating. Might be worth to check with someone there if its OK.

    If they are open to the public, museums or galleries could be a thing.

    Encroaching on homeless behaviour, but if the public transportation tickets in the city are valid as long as you stay on, you could try finding a less used line and just go around in circles on something.

  • I get the convenience part so the staff doesn’t have to go around do it by hand, but it just seems infeasible to do it for the other examples mentioned.

    E.g. you go in, pick up item listed for $10, finish shopping in 20 mins, item now costs $15 at till… probably leave it (so now the staff has to re-shelf it) and start shopping at a place that is not trying to scam you.

    For the other example, if there are a few packs of something expiring and they reduce the price for all the items on the shelf, everyone will just take the ones which have a reasonable shelf life left leaving the expiring ones.

    Both of these just seem stupid.

  • I have never seen contributors get anything for open source contributions.

    In larger, more established projects, they explicitly make you sign an agreement that your contributions are theirs for free (in the form of a github bot that tells you this when you open a PR). Sometimes you get as much as being mentioned in a readme or changelog, but that’s pretty much it.

    I’m sure there may be some examples of the opposite, I just… Wouldn’t hold my breath for it in general.

  • Haven’t had any experience with eweka, but this is the reason why people tend to have multiple providers from different backbones and multiple indexers - to increase your chance for completion. Weirdly, eweka does not follow DMCA, but NTD which I’ve seen regarded as slower to take down content, so in theory the experience should be better, especially on fresh content.

    Your mileage will vary greatly depending on what indexers/providers you pick and unfortunately it’s very difficult to say whether it will reach your expectations until you try different options.

    If you’re willing to spend some more on it, you could try just looking for a small and cheap block account from a different backbone to see if it helps with the missing articles, but there are no guarantees.

  • I’m not sure how to respond to this, your answers lack detail or arguments to respond to. What difference does chartered Vs private make for emissions? It’s the same types of jets, just changes who actually owns them. It also makes no difference to the entire tax subsidized argument either.

    As to “how many times”, as I said above I haven’t found a clear answer, but different sources claim between 10x and ~40x, even assuming the very low end of 10x, that’s a big difference. I assume the per passenger emission is hard to measure since the number of passengers on a plane make a big difference.

    Either way, I believe I made my points in detail several times now, and as I said your responses don’t really raise points or include much detail to further things, so I’m going to leave it here.

  • As mentioned above, airport and airlines are heavily subsidized, this includes private airports and jets. For a limo, taxes pay for the road - but everyone can drive on it, so it’d exist with or without them. Maybe a better comparison would be if she had a bus that she travelled in alone, compared to the average person that’d be equally ridiculous.

    The emissions of a limo is pretty much in line with the emissions of a family car. Most people wouldn’t have a small car and a family car for when they’re alone, so even if someone is alone on a limo, they’re probably not doing much more harm than the average person.

    A private jet’s emissions are significantly more per passenger than a commercial plane. Even if a private jet always flies at max capacity - which I’d bet rarely happens - it’ll cause significantly more emissions per person than a commercial plane (it’s difficult to link a source here as I’ve not found an exact number. The estimates I’ve found range between 10 to 43x. Even assuming just 10x that’s quite a difference)

  • Yes, an airport limits the amount of people, has a very high coverage of surveillance and a high ratio of security staff as well as an entry barrier and dedicated VIP areas. A generic place outside has none of that. Although feel free to elaborate on how an airport is worse for security than just being on a street, anywhere.

    To your second point, sure she doesn’t need to own them like nobody else does, but the issue (for me) is not primarily that she (or anyone) owns one, but that they [private jets and private airports] exist, and they’re subsidized by us as it was pointed out above. If anything, they should be priced outrageously so using them would come down last resort or emergency situations, and the money from that could help balance the cost of the “public” infrastructure. This is a failure of the government, but equally so of the rich who choose to continue using them for their luxury.

  • If that were true, there’d be a riot every time a very famous person goes outside for any reason.

    I’m sure she’d be approached and photographed and her privacy violated as much as people can get to her in a private lounge, but unless they were to advertise she is going to a certain airport at a specific time, it’s incredibly unlikely she’d be mobbed. Ironically, flying publicly would make her movements harder to follow.

    She can certainly afford to pay for 10 extra first class tickets for her staff, it’d most likely be much cheaper than owning her own jet. I’m sure the airports would also be thrilled to offer a private entrance and area for her/other famous people to be able to avoid even walking to her VIP lounge. Maybe they could help subsidize the airports instead of average people’s taxes paying for their private airports in part.