You’re going to get yelled at by lefties on any instance. That’s how federation works.
They said they called it off because of “media leaks” basically
“We’re reviewing any plans in Chicago because of the leak,” Tom Homan told ABC News, adding that the news reports may have potentially put officer safety at risk.
So you’re going to go meet a beautiful person and initiate romance then?
Probably trying to upsell you a premium service but I’ve never had anyone call me over that, only seen letters/ads.
Edit: just read the other comments here and realized it could also be because of your utilization. You might have been flagged as being high risk, so they are targeting you for the product.
Drugs. All of them.
Whatever you do, never take a pill. Especially vitamin C. Or Zyrtec.
What does sex have to do with romance?
Also, are you aromantic? Why won’t you ever experience this?
Concierge service is usually separate from traditional health insurance. Idk what it means in the context of an existing plan.
Do they specify “I am from x company” or do they say “I am calling about your health insurance”?
Hipster archetype?
Cuphead? Idk if it’s quite “cutesy” but with all the old-timey graphics it doesn’t strike me as something that should’ve been so tough
You know the conditions for workers who made every item you bought?
If we don’t have bots, who tf have I been interacting with all this time?
Not shocking. Many of these sketchy Chinese companies offer promises of profits abroad, then abuse the workers and drop them somewhere where they have no support system to rely on.
ProPublica did a great series on this earlier this year on the American marijuana industry
News outlets are careful with language because of libel laws. That’s why we have “accused murderer” or “suspected gunman” even when we have footage of the crime
They are also not employing children if you read the articleclol
In the supply chain. OEM parts are not made by the car brands.
For example, Ford doesn’t make headlights. They buy them from a headlight company. If the headlights were made by kids, do you blame Ford or the headlight company?
Donnie Darko.
It was so overhyped back when it came out because the OG hipster crowd of the early 90s thought it was cool, as did younger people who valued things that were “indie” as if that inherently adds value.
You really said (spoiler alert)
“Oh yeah, the villain is totally gonna turn himself in halfway through this one”?
Requiem for a Dream still slaps tho
Tarantino films are a process of him masturbating over old movies and extracting pleasure in people not getting all of his references
Most lottery winners don’t become influencers though. Nothing will change