Is there any reason to use tealdeer over just tldr aside from speed?
Is there any reason to use tealdeer over just tldr aside from speed?
‘He’s in the wrong place, for a long time.’
Its not technically against most instances’ rules. If it was against most instances’ rules then why havent the mods removed _cryptagion’s commen. Surely, if it was against the instances’ rules, then other people would downvote _cryptagion.
This is what you sound like.
乁(סּ͡͡෴סּ͡͡)ㄏ̸/̸̅̅ ̆̅ ̅̅
Sounds like a dogwhistle. And in all honesty, I think they should be persecuted.
Ah the project was just an excuse to familiarise myself with low-level network code. It’s basically just a simple TUI app that takes a list from a popular comics podcast website and allows the user to locally track the comics they’ve read then update the list when the a new podcast comes out adding additional comics to the list.
I could have done the project in a quarter of the time in Python. But I wanted to get a strong foundation in low-level socket programming, network protocols, TLS and HTML parsing. I suppose on some level I’m just interested in those things.
That said, you probably have a point. Maybe I should just look into Rust and Go. I’ve had some fun with the latter.
So, to be clear, the restaurant was formally vegan. Then, due to financial struggles, added carnist options to the menu and alienated a lot of their regular vegan cuatomers resulting in them shutting down.
This was old news.
Also, I can understand the mods being spiteful about things like this. It sends a message that if you’re a vegan restaurant and you add carnist options then you will lose customers, not gain them. Valid point if you’re primary concern is animal welfare. I’m vegan and I don’t want to give money to any business that profiteers of animal cruelty.
That said, I think the mod should just say that rather than banning you. Though perhaps those communities get brigaded with a lot of anti-vegan bad-faith bullshit arguments and the mods are a bit quick to the ban hammer as a result.
I quit drinking for a while there and when I did I picked up this peculiar habit of drinking tons of soda water. Still do it to this day. Love my tiny bubbles.
I can’t imagine they will be able to enforce that part about VPNs…
Christ, imagine propagating The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in 2024. Its got to be one of the most debunked documents in history:
The spurious character of the Protocols was first revealed in 1921 by Philip Graves of The Times (London), who demonstrated their obvious resemblance to a satire on Napoleon III by the French lawyer Maurice Joly, published in 1864 and entitled Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu (“Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu”). Subsequent investigation, particularly by the Russian historian Vladimir Burtsev, revealed that the Protocols were forgeries compounded by officials of the Russian secret police out of the satire of Joly, a fantastic novel (Biarritz) by Hermann Goedsche (1868), and other sources.
From Britannica
They were literally debunked over 100 years ago.
I didn’t know this. Thanks for the info!
Oh thanks. Sometimes I see removed and I thought cunt was on the removed list but its a preferred insult of mine for cunts like this so I self-censored to get the main gist across.
Can we burn this c*nt first?
Humans already rape animals on an industrial scale. That’s what artificial insemination is. Religion didn’t stop that.
This is intreresting. What is the connection between GS and BRICs? How does it help them sell equities?
I should really cron my Borg script rather than waiting for a sinking anxiety to set it and doing backups at random intetvals
Honestly, I think this kinds works. Like Lignux neatly integrates GNU without awkwardly expanding it and could be pronounced the same way already is (unless you want to be a psychopath and go around saying ‘Lig-Nucks’).
Yo, so Evil on Emacs is just vim keybindings, right? What’s DOOM Emacs?
Has anyone here ever come across a low res tutorial video with microsmic font that is impossible to read? I appreciate their desire to help others but why do people do that?