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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • Best way I can think of to promote carpooling is kind of what colruyt tried.

    Employee bus that goes down the main highway ( Belgium ). It has WiFi and you csn keep working on your way home. Every minute worked counts.

    You’ll just need a bigger carpark by the highway. 30 minutes delay? It’s not lost time. Still want to use your car? Sure. But you’ll work longer and have to drive home afterwards.

    I am not a traffic expert. The approach might be flawed. But it seems like a step in the right direction.

    At least it’s better than complaining about overcrowded busses and trains who are delayed again. And while it might not solve the issue, If you can get a 10 people per bus. It should start adding up eventually. The incentive to take public transport doesn’t disappear with the disappearance of traffic jams. Its an alternative to sitting longer in the office and being home later.

    I think colruyt did something like this for a while? https://reset.vlaanderen/2017/09/01/kantoorbus/

    Maybe its something you can book a seat on and should be scheduled on a larger scale than just 1 company.

    One can dream I suppose. Hell will freeze over when most companies will “trust” their employees enough to work on the bus though.

  • I’m in a similar boat. 45m drive by car. 2h using PT. Including a 30 minute walk for the last bit to my office. This doesn’t include waiting for busses or trains.

    Realistically it’d be 2.5h without delays. And that’s just one way. After that I’m expected to work for 8h and do it again.

    So if i leave at 7am, +5h+8h +30minute lunch break I’d be home by …8.30pm?

    And that is hoping the connections line up after work… Cycling isn’t really an option as there’s no shower in the workplace. And knowing corps I’m pretty sure they won’t appreciate people charging their electric bike battery in the office for free.

    RIP work-life balance using PT. And I already feel like it’s shit.

    Though I do try to use the train when I can. Even though it ain’t cheap either…

  • In many places WhatsApp is the defacto standard unfortunately…

    If its not that its something like Viber, or badoo or telegram or some other nightmare service…

    If you have kids there is also not really getting away from it. Friends of mine have never had Facebook accounts until they had kids because the local football team or boyscout or whatever only uses Facebook to communicate…

    I agree you can live your life comfortably without meta services, but sometimes, like in the example above, you dont have any alternatives…

    You can’t keep harassing other parents to forward you messages or ask the team to print any messages specifically for you. Not having a Facebook account just gets “its easy to create” responses rather than “completely understandable, here’s our private matrix server to stay in the loop”.

  • Yeah it is kind of like the “trust, but verify” paradigm. It will likely generate useful code or a very good starting point, but you should always check if it actually does what you expect it to.

    You can’t trust them blindly. But They’re very helpful in your day to day tasks.

  • There’s also the option of setting up a cloudflare tunnel and only exposing immich over that tunnel. The HTTPS certificate is handled by cloudflare and you’d need to use the cloudflare DNS name servers as your domains name servers.

    Note that the means cloudflare will proxy to you and essentially become a man-in-the-middle. You – HTTPS --> cloudflare --http–> homelab-immich. The connection between you and cloudflare could be encrypted as well, but cloudflare remains the man-in-the-middle and can see all data that passes by.

  • I’m all for it as long as you keep using your brain. Coworker of mine set something upn on AWS that wasn’t working. Going through it I found the error. He said he tried it using chatgpt. He knows how to do it himself, he knows the actual mistake was a mistake, but he trusted Amazon Q when it said the mistake was correct. Even when double checking.

    Trust, but verify.

    I found it to be a helpful tool in your toolkit. Just like being able to write effective search queries is. Copying scripts off the internet and running them blindly is a bad idea. The same thing holds up for LLMs.

    It may seem like it knows what it’s talking about, but it can often talk out of its arse too…

    I’ve personally had good results with 3.5 on the free tier. Unless you’re really looking for the latest data