Heil Hitler, huh? Fucking reptards 🤮🤮 Just die already - thanks, the rest of the world
Heil Hitler, huh? Fucking reptards 🤮🤮 Just die already - thanks, the rest of the world
😨🤯 that’s seriously fucked up
See! This guy gets it!! 😍
Brilliant business strategy, you just wait!! 😂
I had the same question
Joke’s on you. I really liked that!!
Just downvoted your post. Hah! Checkmate 👍
So … What’s it about??
Kid, go away. You’re not as edgy as you feel you are
And really weird! Blocking mkv files?? Why?? No reason other than ‘blocked’ was given
I had the fucking same with Defender and Edge not downloading from AllDebrid 😡
But instead he was…? 🧐
Ooooh! Of course!!