• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I’ve recently started putting together a home studio and made the mistake of asking online what I should consider before painting my monitors. Nearly half of the people who responded said, “Don’t do it, it’ll ruin the resale value.” Like dude, I’m not here to be on a god damned gear treadmill. I’m here to make music. Gear is just a necessary evil to me and if I never have to buy monitors again I would be so happy. So, If I can get some extra joy out of them and make them mine, I’m gonna.

  • Thank you so much for saying this! One time there was a Twitter thread that started with someone asking, “What are some things that people believe/accept without having liked into it further.” Someone responded with this “the original phrase is… covenant…womb” and the OP replied with someone like, “yeah people are such sheep”. I wanted to explode.

    But to back your point, you can go and read for yourself the very first instance of this phrase in context as the very old book it comes from has been digitally scanned. It’s old enough to be in middle English, but I still thought it was fairly easy to make out the original phrase as we know it today.