It passes on to both producers and consumers. It’s not perfect but it might be made to work enough.
It passes on to both producers and consumers. It’s not perfect but it might be made to work enough.
Monkey wrangler. I wrangle monkeys.
Then please tell me how they are thought to be little drones.
Tell me you have no kids and are at least 40 without saying it.
If you’ve built it reasonably right, that’s not what it costs.
Don’t know about the rest but canned tuna has an enormous taste difference. Try a good 10 USD can!
It’s doubtful that their economy is doing better. GDP, in the middle of a failing (or costly) war, is a pretty bad metric. It doesn’t matter if you produce more value inside the country if all of it (and more) is destroyed at the front.
“The theory”… You make it sound like MAD is some obscure fact. I so hope that is not the case. But maybe… Fuck…
Read “A fire upon the deep” by Vernor Vinge. For a multitude of reasons.
That fucker never works! Sometimes I conclude it’s malware but usually I just try and try and try. UI is messed up. Fingers don’t do what I want. Screen is broken. Drives me mad!
Always was.
Sharpener or edge-straightener?
Short but to the point comment: at 22, you have more than 10 years to have children. Probably closer to 20. Release yourself from the invisible trap you are in.
That being the point of the quote…
It refers to the part that makes it into Europe and is thus Europe’s supply. Even stretching it, it supplies Europe and is thus Europe’s supply. The possessive form does not indicate control over all or part of the supply.
My water supply comes from the county. Your air supply comes from, well… the air, or the Earth.
If Europe still was the colonial power it once was, you might have a point. Not a semantic one but a “bad choice of word”-one. But it’s not and so you don’t.
Upvoted because “ddged”. Wonderful. 😊
It might well be. Thing is, no-one wants war. If the west wanted war, they wouldn’t need a broken cable for it.