You will be used as childcare repeatedly for their fun.
And they will make you look like the bad guy in front of your kids if you flinch.
Prepare for that.
“I think we have to guard against the temptation to accept that history is necessarily the limit to who we are.” - Ta-Nehisi Coates
“I recognize the lion by his claw.” -Bernoulli recognizing the anonymous equations of Newton
You will be used as childcare repeatedly for their fun.
And they will make you look like the bad guy in front of your kids if you flinch.
Prepare for that.
i’m just trying to decide what a fixie would do with that setup
I guess we should start a gofundme for google ?
i’ll give all the schrutebucks that i can muster
Honestly if someone were to have said that garbage to him 40 years ago he prolly would have called it unAmerican and communistical.
It is weird to watch the ethical scoliosis happen in real time over the decades.
so i couldn’t even spend any of it ?
that’s rubbish billionaire. unless i could use it to leverage banks to give me loans off of national credit programs.
and still then i’d just prefer not to.
i feel badly for people who can’t get ever seem to get enough.
Ortiz said “Stealing is stealing whether you use a computer command or a crowbar, and whether you take documents, data or dollars. It is equally harmful to the victim whether you sell what you have stolen or give it away.”
Talking about billionaires … it almost seems quaint as we barrel towards having actual trillionaires.
Gee I don’t know … they call themselves the Chosen People and require everyone else to do that too or they levy accusations of antisemitism.
How can a Chosen Person TM do a war crime ? Unpossible.
generation “doesn’t want to deal with petabytes of hard drive bullshit just to watch a show”
/side eyes dvd collection
please download an oil change first
does this mean more steam support for android ?
“I see as much misery outta them movin’ to justify their selves as them that set out to do harm.”
The fat from it is by and large high fructose corn syrup. Fat is the thing that when in our stomachs fat signals the brain to stop freaking eating by making us feel full. HFCS does not signal the stomach to tell the brain that is it full and to quit feeling hungry.
So like M&Ms it requires another signal from your digestive system to stop eating too many of them and it is explosive diarrhea.
abortion rights requires taking a stand on something that might not effect you right now or at all yet
four inches … like … in a row ? or all at once ?
I’m ready to make Schmidt live the life an AI tells him how to live before we let AI tell all us what to do
birds used to be real
i’ve been exposed
“Unum saltum et siffletum et unum bumbulum”
Misandry is not going to help anyone but misogynists