China is transitioning faster than most other countries.
While it is true that China builds coal plants, they invest way more green energy. So please stop the disinformation.
Bonus question:
How much of the global energy production build in 2023 was renewable?
I absolutely agree. I use it at home for lots of different tasks and put it on my parents laptops as well. It might not be the hottest, most modern disto for the cool kids but it’s a great experience.
I have been buying second hand Pixels 4a’s for my family. To me, they’re the perfect phones. I put LineageOS with MicroG on them and use them without Google. I logged in my throwaway Google account to check if some of the IMEI qualify for a battery swap, but it gives me an error when I enter any IMEI.
Do you guys have an idea why this might happen? I’d love to get new batteries for free in them and use them another 6 years or so.
I also get very alienated by the “diversity” and “feminism“ modern Hollywood & Netflix cinema. It’s the same type of diversity and feminism that exists in corporate, where there is diversity in terms of ethnicity and sexuality, but only within class.
Are you talking about Rainbow Capitalism?
People had children in conditions way worse than this. Children and their parents used to suffer and die all the time. Yet they are the expression of hope and confidence in our species. And while I agree that it’s not looking great for us, I refuse to give up, roll on my back and wait to go extinct in an aging, dying world.
I love my kids so much that it’s changed my whole life. They have given value to my life that didn’t exist before, they made me grow and it’s an incredible experience to watch them grow. They made me happy, worried, scared, bored, proud and angry like nothing else ever did.
Yeah I sometimes envy my brother, who has all the money and time in the world to do whatever he wants. But I secretly pity him as well, because he lives like a grown-up, self-centerd child without true responsibilities, and all his toys and holidays feel meaningless to me.
I couldn’t recommend this to anyone but it is a true magic happens outside the comfort zone-experience that will never go away.
If you want something you’ll find a solution, if you don’t you’ll find an excuse
Strange that it took us like decades to figure this out :)
I still remember when Firefox decided to go with Chrome-like versioning to show progress. No more v4.5.1. but v87.1! Still bugs me a little bit, I liked the more relaxed attitude. Now versioning is changing again here and there, now it’s the year, like 2025.1 and I think that is a little pragmatic but probably a pretty good idea. They should go for that!
A curated list of (not only) German piracy sites.
I’m really interested in an immutable distro. I installed Silverblue on a friend’s laptop, tried it, liked it but I’m on Linux Mint and I don’t want to switch. Immutable Mint Debian Edition would be great. :)
I love Mint! It’s not for those who like to tinker and break and fix thinks, because it just works out of the box. External audio, Intel CPU, Nvidia card were no problems in my setup. Calling Mint a beginners distro is like a car mechanic calling a sleek, fun car that’s going smoothly a beginners car. I’m not part of some elitist cult, my OS isn’t my personality, I’m not a masochist and I don’t crave innovation just for the sake of it. I tried a couple other distros but none felt as polished and accessible as Mint.
Be sure to use workspaces (strg+alt+arrows), I ignored them for too long because Windows doesn’t have them.
This is a little offtopic and a Lemmy cliché, but:
Go and try Linux Mint! I was a Windows fanboy for more than a decade, now I’m all team Linux. It doesn’t run all games (I’m not a huge gamer, so no expert) but most stuff i want to play is no problem at all. I edit videos with Davinci, produce music with Bitwig plus there so much great free open source software. Working in Windows nowadays makes me nervous. It’s so predatory and dishonest. Try to get off while you can, it won’t get any better. And it’s so much fun to explore a new OS with an opened mind and some curiosity.
Reminds me of this article from the Low Tech Magazine.
This is an age old topic and there is no right answer to it. You need to decide where you draw the line. Unpersecuted vigilantism will lead to chaos, on the other hand, we live in an unjust and structural violent system where rich people kill by signing papers and poor, desperate people die. They sometimes even vote for the elite before dying.
I glued myself to the street to protest our government not acting on our planet heating up. I knew I broke the law but I felt like I needed to. It was a rough experience, still I don’t regret it because I did what felt necessary to me. The guy shooting the CEO probably feels the same, and pathetic “Proud Boys” chasing immigrants do so as well. For me, violence against other people is a line I don’t see myself crossing. But I can think of scenarios where I would understand people resorting to it.
It’s a little boring but not bad news. Why the hate?!
It sure looks cozy. But we are adults and this is the reality we live our actual life’s in. We need to take part in it.
Maybe screens really are the opiate of the masses, watching stuff happening, like some sort of half-life.