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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 12th, 2023

  • $300 for the most important piece of software on the hardware that you interact with every day, sometimes all day, for years? That’s a steal.

    And again, as an OS, Windows just works and Linux doesn’t. Even if you wanted to set things manually in the registry to disable the bad consumer “features”, you’d still spend less time than configuring a standard Linux install and it would be more stable.

    It’s like Apple fan bois nowadays. Ridiculous.

  • Or… Read what I said. Spend the $300 on the enterprise license. No ads. No forced notifications. A single computer with multiple users at one time in a home environment is not a use case that would get any thought. Those that want it, can do it. And it’s easy, and free. Hyper-V is free and the licenses for the virtual machines are free too because the container host is windows. Lock an instance per output and voila. Recall won’t be coming to enterprise or server and if it does, it will be disablable. Just like forced updates are disabled in enterprise. Forced reboots disabled. Etc.

    If you want that experience you buy that experience.

  • Yes exactly. I love Linux. I build embedded systems devices with it. I run it on some of my rack appliances. But I’m also not a blind fan boi.

    Windows made leaps and bounds into stability with XP. And since then it’s been a slow cog into being an excellent enterprise grade OS even with users bashing it all sorts of ways.

    Most (all) of the complaints except price focus on money grabs and features for the docile masses. Forced updates, reboots, integrations, etc. My 80 year old relatives can use it and you know what it works great when they type into the “computer question box”. Click start menu and type. It brings up their files, folders, apps, answers to web questions, etc. That makes sense to someone who doesn’t understand a computer. It’s not pandering to the IT folk, it’s pandering to Karen.

    If you’re IT folk, you can just spend a little more money on the proper license and all that goes away. Or you spend some time hacking the registry and get it for free usually.

    The only BSODs I have had in the last decade are graphics driver related usually when pushing beta drivers hard. My Linux OS’s have had way more stability issues with less interaction.

  • No. It really isn’t.

    Windows with the proper license and configuration is more stable, more productive, and that configuration takes less than an hour once for the life of the machine.

    In 2024 if you’re still bashing Windows for BSODs, stability, updates, etc, you’re doing it wrong. You can bash all day long for privacy violations and corporate greed but both of those are fixed with the proper version like Windows Enterprise. Costs more, but you are less of the product.

  • Two camps. One just runs on the insurance as if it was stock. And if they ever need their policy, they are going to be financially bankrupted.

    The other camp is actually insured and yes it’s ridiculously expensive.

    For example if you just have a new bumper or body kit with standard insurance, and someone tbones you, you’re standard insurance will probably pay out but will assume your car is worth less than stock because of modifications.

    But if you have that body kit, and you run over a pedestrian, you’re going to personally be responsible because the insurance will say you modified the crash tested crumple and pedestrian zones on your vehicle. That violets the contract you have. Not only will they not pay, they’ll drop your policy. Then you’ll have to pay the millions for paralyzing little Timmy.

    Best case scenario for standard insurance is you buy a $500 Fiero, do $50k of modifications to make it awesome. Someone crashes into you, and they total your car for $500. That’s the value of the vehicle.

    As another data point one of my collector cars is a low mileage 1980’s vintage. It’s worth 6 figures and while the past few years is a garage queen, I do actually drive it on the road. I have special insurance for it that will pay to “restore” the vehicle in the case of an accident. You can’t buy parts new, and 99% of mechanics won’t even touch it. So anything in a shop is going to be ridiculously expensive. That’s what my insurance pays for. To make it back to current condition after an issue. I pay 200x to insure the vehicle than I do to register it on the road with the government.

  • Fiero is the literal go to car, there is tons of info out there.

    Emmisions is usually combined with safety and road worthiness in the context of a road inspection. Emmisions also has requirements like no check engine lights, no electric faults, etc. In a modern car if you disconnect the radio you’ll get a check engine light. It might even refuse to start without additional hacks. So you’d have to go old school. And some of those old school engines are better when running with a CEL but a modern parallel system in place of the 40 year old onboard diagnostics.

    Insurance companies won’t cover vehicles with extensive modifications. Making a kit car is basically a giant red flag. You haven’t crash tested it to see how safe you are or how safe the school child you accidental mow down is. You also don’t have inspections and insurance as the builder to make sure every bolt and weld is actually secure. If you get into a wreck with your kit car, you’re going to be on the hook yourself for all your damage, all the other people’s damage, and all the property damage. Even a streetlight can cost 5 digits easily, 6 digits by the time you pay a city crew to remove the old one, do environmental inspections, install new one, etc. It’s ridiculous. But you need the insurance to register the vehicle in most places, so that’s why you get it. The cheapest crappiest insurance to allow you to register the car. Then you make sure your umbrella policies cover you. That’s why this is a rich man’s game, to drive custom and one off vehicles. The other trick being you actually insure it yourself with a trust, back that with general insurance for everyone else, and personal insurance for you. But you don’t even look at this sort of thing unless you’re in the 0.1%.

    You can think of it like why a salvaged title vehicle won’t be insurable by most companies. It’s a liability game. The whole western world runs on liabitly, and that’s where the money is.

  • Superhero movies are worthless drivel. I love cinema, go every week generally. I’ve stopped watching any of these stupid superhero action movies. I just don’t care. They are poorly done, stories are wildly dull, and they don’t deserve my money.

    I’m lucky to be able to go to films from all regions of the world played on the big screen major cinema. The stuff being cranked out by Bollywood is far superior. The dramas, the action, the comedy, all better. Even their superhero movies are equally meh.