You merely adopted the bathroom! I was born in it, moulded by it!
You merely adopted the bathroom! I was born in it, moulded by it!
I, too, want to know what that strap is called… For a friend
For some reason the first time I read it, I thought it was an “L” so now I always call them “Apple mages”
I learned recently that there’s a word for this, which is “thought-terminating cliche”
Thank you! I was always morally opposed to ads. Glad to have another great reason to shun them
Exactly. I hate when things say FREE!* (*With Ads), because you ARE paying for it. With your PRECIOUS TIME
Can we call such police “Starmtroopers”?
He’s following you, about 30 feet back…
You got it
It’s gotta be 1.5C hotter on average for a decade, not just a year
How about with sunshine/moonlight or Steam?
But it’s a shortcut!
“Gift” is a German word that means poison
My understanding is that ibuprofen is processed in the kidneys, and if Tylenol was up for FDA approval today it would go down in flames due to safety concerns
Do you really blame them?