Her “suspension” while keeping all the infrastructure was obviously just to avoid election backlash for House Democrats. It’s coming back. Was always the plan.
Her “suspension” while keeping all the infrastructure was obviously just to avoid election backlash for House Democrats. It’s coming back. Was always the plan.
Text generation is Frozen Yogurt now.
Noticeably worse, but you can have so much more.
Ending grain requisitions and transitioning to prodnalog stimulates the economy thus Lenin is a right wing hack.
You just aren’t, but I don’t know where the “no U” is going to get us.
Seeking social justice through redistributive social and economic policies of government.
You have to realize that Republicans are not the party pushing for these things. What you are saying does not retort anything I said.
The metric you are using is not the metric the actual real world uses for center left. You are bringing your internet lefty definitions and declaring that I’m wrong to say only internet lefties would use them. Major parties in the middle of the political spectrum are not typically pushing for the overthrow of Capitalism.
Being left of center is not solely defined by being Marxist, and one country, even if it actually was Marxist and not 3 Capitalisms in a trenchcoat, would not define the standard of what constitutes “left” in the world.
I’m not saying Marxism isn’t Left. I’m saying it’s not literally the only thing that IS Left.
Ok I don’t expect you to see it but this is exactly why I said it’s a lie that online lefties tell themselves. Globally, in real life politics, yes you absolutely can be center-left without demanding the overthrow of Capitalism.
They want to use the power of government to reduce the harms of capitalism, via minimum wages, social safety nets, child tax credit, subsidizing more environmentally friendly energy production and electric cars.
No they are not as far left as you and the people you talk to online, I didn’t say that. You are allowed to want different policies. You’re just incorrect to call them right wing.
That Democrats would be considered right-of-center in other countries. They’re clearly a center-left party.
(This is a lie internet lefties tell each other)
There are photos and a DNA test that were not shared publicly. It’ll be a good FOIA request in 50 years.
Threads was because if you had an Instagram account it ported over.
Bluesky was the Twitter clone made by the old Twitter CEO.
Most people didn’t have a problem with Twitter being a corporation, they had a problem with the new owner of the corporation making the experience terrible with his new changes.
I very seriously tried to be a no car household, I got to one car and I just walked a mile to work, rain or shine.
But my wife was a 6 minute drive from work, but due to criscrossing highways it was entirely unwalkable and like a 40 minute bus ride.
NYC, yes. That’s the yellow on the map.
Syracuse, no.
A Welshman about to traverse a steep-sided hollow at the head of a valley: “Oh baby I’m gonna cwm!”
It’s hurting in the US too. I am not a hard partisan but I would never buy a Tesla anymore because I’d be worried of being seen as making a political statement. I’m probably in the market for an electric vehicle in the next few years.
This is very good.