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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2023


  • And as you sit there deep in thought you feel something tickle your nethers, you think little of it at first but as soon as you feel it again you shift your position and look down. At the same moment your mind comprehends that it’s the hand of an otter, that very hand grabs ahold of your dangling valuables and pulls. You are never seen again.

  • I don’t need it to be night to realise that. I have -13 on both eyes, near-sightedness (not sure about the correct terminology in English). I see clearly for about one centimetre right by the tip of my nose, everything closer or further than that is a blurry and fuzzy mess. To use my phone without glasses I have to press it against my nose and can only see about half of the screen width clearly.

  • I’m a Swede too and don’t get anxious at all. It’s very much not a common thing here, or anywhere in the world. It’s more common in some places (like the US) but that doesn’t make it common enough to be a thing to constantly worry about. Let’s take the event in this thread as an example, there have been thousands of days at that specific place where nothing happened, and the vast majority of people there weren’t even close enough to be in harm’s way. And then we have the millions of places like this all over the world where nothing happened today. The chance of you being at the specific place and time, close enough to be in harm’s way is extremely low. I’m in no way saying stuff like this isn’t a problem or should be ignored, just that it’s completely irrational to have any fear about it no matter where you live.