Brace yourself for waves of future Miami republican voters arriving from Cuba
Brace yourself for waves of future Miami republican voters arriving from Cuba
Price gougers gonna price gouge
Brace yourself for a huge flood of shitty quality Russian porn. Especially involving actresses with questionable age on either end of age-spectrum. That’s the cheapest commodity to produce and distribute
Who said it? Putin or JD
Uncle vlad needs meat for his glorious meat grinder
They should’ve called it ‘concept of a victory plan’
So were opium and cocaine
Zoom out a little bit and you will see Agolf Shitler colluding with Bibi not to agree to any ceasefire
More like Far-right-free fall
It’s only a matter of time same happens in the US. Elon has made Tesla brand extremely toxic for anyone other than his fanboys
I thought it was just some normal folks on vacation
Please bring planking and Harlem shake back
This reminds me, how’s Ted Cruz these days?
Oh fuck. We need themes on steam client
In other news: Here comes the new wave of Florida republicans because they’re fleeing “communism”
Pay off all my debts and set the rest on fire
They’re just covering all the bases
Rishi Rish
That’s the wrong attitude. BYOTP just to crap on company’s time.
Looks like JFK Jr appearance rally from a couple of years ago