I apologize if this is more nontechnical nonsense as Im not a coder, but if the projects are open source, cant he just read and translate the code?
I apologize if this is more nontechnical nonsense as Im not a coder, but if the projects are open source, cant he just read and translate the code?
Women are the most important thing to do with each other
My phone knows im bi and kinky
(All but one character is a lesbian couple)
Yeah, because why would anyone reenact an ancient greek performance during the OLYMPICS
The joke was that people with a humiliation kink would want to be disparaged, so “respecting” them is giving them not what they want
Unless their kink id humiliation, then theyre 100% valid
He unironically probably will when the magats come for him and his own
Unfortunately, that is what the voters want
City I live in both are shit
I read this in a Russian accent
EDIT: I didnt know you were actually Russian when I posted this
After Trump dies
True, storytelling is just easier to track and what the thread was about
That just is what all storytelling is. You mix and match characters, tropes, settings, and such from other stories and irl and mix it all together to get something “original”
Good artists copy, great artists steal
Shame that they ARE the outsiders now then
Can confirm, have borked my sysyem this way
Endeavor. It’s just Arch but approachable, or Manjaro without the AUR issues
I can only use x11 myself. The drivers for Wayland on nvidia aren’t ready for prime time yet, my browser flickers and some games don’t render properly. I’m frankly surprised the KDE folks shipped it out
Well that’s fucked. If I donate my body to science, it certianly isnt so my skull can sit in some dudes living room