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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • A monopoly isn’t inherently bad, but a monopoly by a state is pretty bad. It means they can exert political pressure over you using that sector’s influence.

    Heck, look at Russia and gas. It impacted tons of people all over the world, and if the world hadn’t collectively said “fuck you Russia we’ll handle ourselves without you” - then countries like Germany wouldn’t have a choice but keep buying Russian Gas.

    That’s a political power you really don’t wanna give to anyone, especially not China.

    Yes, competition could restart, but that’d take time. And you don’t always have that time. Again, see Russia and gas as a nice example for that.

  • because they value their citizens

    Hiding hostages in a highly populated residential area, without any means of self defense or even evacuation safe zones, is not called valuing the citizens. It’s called using them as leverage, something terrorists love doing to civilians.

    What did the spilling of blood on oct.7 did to Palestinians? Make them live in hell for over 8 months? Make thousands die? And for what, for massacring Israelis? What do you think Hamas has done in oct.7 that would make you think they “value their citizens” - coz to me it only looks like they just wanna kill jews.

  • Ah yes, well established fact… By who exactly? By kids at universities thousands of kilometers away?

    And even if we take your (baseless) estimate of 1:4 ratio, that’s still nowhere close to call it a targeted attack on civilians. Compare it to other urban warfare, and see for yourself, they don’t kill enough civilians to justify any of your claims.

    Look at the numbers, and actually base your own opinion, rather than repeating words that people who are very not objective keep repeating. And differentiate between the IDF and the Israeli government. Since they’re vastly different both in world-view (one being extremely corrupt right wing) and in actions done. The racist israeli government expands settlements (and almost sparked a mini civil war between jews and arabs, ahem ahem Ben Gvir), while the IDF manages to supply aid trucks into Gaza, and evacuate Gazans from their (tunnel holes and weapon having) homes.