I always like the “they’re both the same” people who say things like, “they would oppress queer people too if they had the power!” And then you point out that they did have the power and didn’t do anything near to the level the right does and they just shoo you away like a fly.
What? Being on the right shows you lack basic critical thinking skills or are conning people?
Couldn’t they? Possibly. Will Americans do the hard work it takes? Almost certainly not.
You apparently don’t. Not in America. That’s the problem.
(Unless you believe a very obviously not stolen election was stolen. Then I guess it’s collective action time.)
What is the alternative?
Collective action. But apparently that is too hard for most Americans.
The point was, most people who voted Republican didn’t want those things either.
Trump is literally getting positive poll numbers right now because of his immigration policies. You’re just assuming things and you’re not actually bothering to check.
“Stop calling people Nazi just because they voted for an R once”
Who is doing that? Are they in this thread? Are they on Lemmy? Because I’m not seeing it here and I’ve never seen that anywhere else either. You’re not a Republican if you only vote for a Republican once. Unless maybe it’s your first time ever voting.
I’m highly amused you think voters will ever matter again in America.
Divorcing someone is not the same as screaming at them. Cutting toxic people out of your life is always a good idea.
“Divorce your Republican spouse” is less pithy and I think almost anyone who sees that sticker would understand that it applies to wives as well.
You say “people” but you mean “women.” It’s like you thought if you said “people,” we wouldn’t notice that the rest of it was a sexist rant.
Somehow my wife and I are almost on the exact same level politically. And we’re usually also able to convince each other to go more to the left if we discover one of us is veering even a little right on an issue.
Not 100% of the time, but we are surprisingly politically compatible compared to most couples we know.
Sorry, egg price jokes won’t stop being funny until Americans stop giving Trump the positive polling he currently has.
Unfortunately, queer people are hated the world over. But America will soon be joining the nations that also make it illegal to be queer.
Where do you get your eggs that cheap?!
“You just sit tight, boy. We’ll figure out why we arrested you eventually.”
Sounds like the South to me.
Based on the downvotes, people would much rather bicker and I’m terrible for suggesting people take action instead.
I have and am, thank you. Not just in my area. I spent the weekend contacting every recruiter in the UK I could find that would help me. It’s taken a while to do something that active because I’ve been getting settled and dealing with basic stuff, bureaucracy, etc. But I did get a couple of calls later in the day yesterday from recruiters, so that’s a positive.
Also what Russia did to Ukraine after Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons in exchange for a pledge to never invade.