Hahahah! *«strAdditional_CommentDFF4»*
Hahahah! *«strAdditional_CommentDFF4»*
Somehwere in the archive is just a keychain of Sandisk jumpdrives…
Legacy was meh
You take that back. It was the best Daft Punk music video in years.
You gotta first find Carmen Sandiego to then become Carmen Sandiego.
Taken directly (sounds, too) from The Driver (1978)
Well, he bumps an inflated ball just so well while standing in sand.
You’ve chosen: Collect Call.
Bull, Bear, Bull, Bear, Bull, Bear
We all do. Get in line.
It’s not wood, so it’s a glockenspiel.
Oh shit, I gotta find a copy of BLUR. That game was my.jam on 360.
“Carbon footprint” was invented by BP as a marketing ploy.
(Work in progress)
Given his public post-brain-damage behavior, I don’t think his plan is to do anything in an unbiased manner.
Who the fuck even knows what the unit price of paper towels is?!
The news today (forget what network… maybe the Today show?) Spun it and said the trucks were rushed by militants and basically that the IDF had to defend themselves against an incoming riot.
It’s like Bibi himself is writing our fucking news, too.
How’s Half-Life doing?
He’s not, and thus post is just pointing out how he’s fucking useless and invisible.
It’s exactly forbthat reason that Revopoint (I shit you not) recommends you catch 'em while they’re asleep. Same for pets.