Says regime that is displaying Nazi Germany.
The fucking arrogance. The US sat on its hands for years while western Europe fought for its survival. The US entered the war more than two years after Canada fully committed to the war effort.
Well, it’s not like the US had any kind of alliance with any European state at that point. And Europe pretty much was just ‘Far-away-istan’ (as we say in Dutch) for Americans.
Hey, Trump press secretary, quick question, why are so many streets in the US named after this Lafayette guy ?
I’d rather speak German than American, that’s for sure.
But I am speaking German! It’s my second language!
French: “We can do both!”
Being thankful for past involvement is not mutually exclusive to being disappointed in the current lack of shared values. The US is a different thing now than it was back then.
Shouldn’t she be greatful they’re not having tea and biscuits at 17:00 everyday in the first place?
“You should be grateful you’re not speaking British!”
Oh, very apt.
Very apt, very specific to American history and very over most Americans heads
German isn’t such a bad language, yes hard to learn but I think it’s still easier then French (that was what she ment or? I couldn’t thing about something else).
USA as it is now would support the Germans because the president really admires their leader and how they got rid of the immigrants.
omg yes Trump would be sooo all over Hitler.
Probably is seeing how many of his peers throw around Sieg Heils
I wouldn’t say they would support Germany but at least they wouldn’t be part of the alliance against Germany…
Huh, US industrialists were literally given carte blanche to support Hitler’s rise to power and it’s happening again with Muskrat bolstering far right parties across Europe.
Hell, Hitler admired the US for the way they “dealt” with the indigenous population of Turtle Island
Because they definitely aren’t supporting anyone that resembles putler - I mean hitler
Actually, Trump has German ancestry. Actually, I’m wondering if he still has German nationality!
This is Trumps paternal grandfather - from whom Trump may/might/could have inherited German nationality:
Friedrich Trump, born in Kallstadt, Kingdom of Bavaria
Much of white America has German ancestry. Many just anglicised their names after either World War (eg. Schmidt > Smith; Fischer > Fisher).
I’m not sure what you’re implying, anyway.
Sure. It was the US that single-handedly defeated the nazis lol
Since shes asking France to be greatful, I’m guessing that she personally was responsible for the allies victory in Europe. If she is to be believed, then I am extremely greatful to her for all that she’s done for France, and the world.
What’s that? I’ve just been informed that she in fact was not yet born when WW2 occurred, and hasn’t done a thing noteworthy in her life for France, the United States or even herself. Furthermore, it has been brought to my attention that she is a sycophant and a traitor.
Another case of thinking your football teem’s win is your win, or in this case, the past victories or a county you happened to be born in are your own.
Well if you’re dead set on nitpicking the historical accuracy, I suppose we can be persuaded to concede that the Soviets helped, too. But only a little bit! And they nicked most of the good bits off us!
Monuments around my place are for being liberated by Canadians and Brits.
I think if you check carefully, you’ll discover they were promoted to “honorary americans” for the duration of their glorious accomplishments, thus preserving our unimpeachable record for “being the best at war stuff”.
It’s crazy how she can survive without internal organs? Just a loose skin bag full of hate, misinformation, veneers and old man semen.
A bit tone-deaf on her part when Trump’s doing everything he can to make sure Ukrainians won’t be speaking Ukrainian anymore.
France is the only reason the U.S. won the American Revolution.
In hers and trump’s minds they probably think Ukrainian is just the same as Russian.
Hilarious how seriously they’re taking one politician’s joke.
The whole world were expecting Trump to be joking too though but he wasn’t
She is offending the German language. O.k. may be she didn’t learn any foreign language, otherwise she wouldn’t show disrespect. With a plain English you cannot understand more complexe languages and thoughts. Of course i know it was not the language but WW2 she was pointing to. Anyway .