So does that mean they’re going to drop the South China sea thing and leave Taiwan be? Stop trying to push other nations around? Or are they going to stay organ harvesting, genocidal hypocrits? I know which one I’m betting on
I’ve noticed an uptik of pro Chinese propaganda content here on lemmy in recent days. I am afraid the fediverse had been discovered.
ve noticed an uptik of pro Chinese propaganda content here on lemmy
Your instance must not be federated with or lemmygrad, and it shows.
Cryptic comment?
They’re tankies and you know it
Nope, very new to Lemmy so I’m ignorant about that.
So,,, and a few other Lemmy instances have a reputation as being “tankie” (aka, aligned with overseas communist or former-communist powers). Their users will effectively attack any western viewpoint (e.g Gaza genocide) but remain completely silent on any topic related to Russia or China (e.g Uigihur genocide). They argue in bad faith and exist as a propaganda tool only.
Is the creator of lemmy one of them? I saw the username for lemmy’s creator in wiki and on the same day, bizarrely enough, he replied to my comment while defending north Korea of all places.
Yeah he is actually
Yeah. Dessalines is a lemmy dev and an admin of (which is effectively the dev’s official instance). And he has some very questionable views on Russia/China and censorship in general.
Any chance you could link to some examples?
Edit: I ask because I just scroll through lemmy without actually knowing which instance is showing which content. I’ve heard the same sentiments voiced about but never really looked into it.
You’ll like it over there then
deleted by creator
On Reddit too. You’ll see alot more of it everywhere as the US hands over global dominance to China and their soft power increases, until it presumably becomes as ubiquitous as american propaganda and you don’t notice it anymore
Warranted. Look at their progress, their lack of aggression and social cohesion. They’re winning mate. Maybe we’d better stop jeering and start taking notes. From an Aussie UK bloke who is not on Xi’s payroll.
A big thing that’s been weighing on my mind recently has been the impending threat of climate change. Who is actually going to be able to step up and potentially prevent our extinction as a species? It’s definitely not America. Europe has too many incoming threats to be able to focus on the climate crisis. In terms of world powers, it sure seems like the PRC is the only chance humanity will have, as long as we can convince them to care.
I don’t like that, but I don’t see another option. I guess if our options are extinction as a species or the Chinese model, I’ll choose the Chinese model.
Is that /s?
Not if you’re paying attention.
While America fucks itself and its own citizens, China has been investing abroad for years.
No, not at all. Given the choice of a Chinese or American future, looking at the current state of affairs, I’d go China. Americans have completely lost the plot. I’m not only considering the administration, but the nutters who demand the right to bear arms resulting in their kids getting shot in schools, the plastic consumerism, lack of healthcare, homelessness. They’re a sick society full of religious fanatics and racists. China isn’t perfect but they’re level headed and pragmatic. Fusion power, space race, they’re catching up. They function, to improve the living standards of their people.
Fortunately, there are other countries as well.
Their social cohesion is due to threatening or straight up genociding any incohesive social groups.
Oh yeah, European values above either of those two.
Which genocide is that?
Uh… how about neither then? False dilemma argument.
A single party state where you get sent to the gulag for public opposition to the government sounds like a great society!
And plastic consumerism is just as applicable to China as the US. Perhaps even more.
At least you know what you’re getting. I wouldn’t dare travel to America for fear of getting shot by some tweaker having a bad day, sheriff badge optional.
You know what you’re getting? What does this even mean?
There is a lot to criticise about the US, there is no point in coming with some hysterical BS, if anything your approach ignores and plays down the very real issues with American society.
I am honestly surprised that you were able to get me to defend the US.
P.S. We both know that if you went to the US, you would go to the tourist parts of NYC or LA and it would be a pretty run of the mill tourist trip.
“Know what I’m getting” means; I feel like as long as I didn’t bring up political topics and were generally a well behaved tourist I’d be safe. Have been to China twice and it was a positive, friendly experience.
I admit ignorance having never been to the US but the impression I get as a Brit is that it’s an incredibly volatile place where not knowing the right street protocol or exactly how to posture and behave in front of police means you could just be wiped out in an instant for some arbitrary shit like looking at someone. Very unsafe if you haven’t grown up there & learned the street smarts.
For example, reaching for your pocket or car glovebox when pulled over by police in UK is a very normal thing to do, to get your license to show them, but seen as an act of aggression in the US.
I’d visit given a chance but would definitely be on edge, in a way I wasn’t in China.
This is what happens when you let losers on the internet dictate your worldviews.
Since when does China give a shit about small countries? Are they trying to sway a UN vote or something?
Kremlin playbook: just say what you are doing and it’s reverse. See where they stick.
They seem to care about having customers. It’s self interest, but not malignant… Taiwan being the exception.
And Hongkong, and India, and Tibet …
Pot to kettle: you’re black
Ah yes China, well known for… invading countries like the US does instead of dealing with things diplomatically and economically
9 Dash Line isn’t diplomacy.
China’s only really become comparable to the US in the past couple decades. Give it some time. Their increasingly heavy-handed posturing around Taiwan for instance seems to say they’re well on their way.
Whatabout USA …
Unlike the US, China hasn’t been declaring war every week for two centuries.
Instead, the belt and road initiative is what neolibs think USAID is.
I guess the border clashes with India where you want to take their land aren’t happening.
That your explicit, logistical and tactical support for Russia aggression against Ukraine isn’t happening.
I also guess you’ve never commited genocide against the Uyghurs.
Nor Tibet, Nor Taiwan, Nor Hong Kong - China may not be as willing to engage in intercontinental wars but it absolutely does use force or the threat of force to bully neighbors. Anyone denying Chinese aggression hasn’t been watching the South China Sea.
belt and road initiative
This is a neo-colonists project. USAID actually did a lot of good things. I dare you to show an example of Chinese foreign aid that did the good things that USAID did.
Belt and road very likely passing through Syunik, Armenia, and in that project most likely devised as area occupied by Azerbaijan in near future, right? And before that passing through Artsakh, which is already occupied by Azerbaijan and ethnically cleansed. F-ck, they’ve even demolished a prehistoric megalith because they can’t tell the difference between that and something Armenian.
Not being too assertive, just - this particular part concerns my family and part of my heritage, so there’s need to mention it.
Anyway, China still occupies Tibet. And - you don’t need to make war if you can just buy aboriginal elites, like in Central Asian countries, and some sub-Saharan African ones.
Whatabout USA …