I have a couple weeks worth of speedtest tracker data and I have no clue as to how to unpack it. Should I go through it with statistics tools or something else?
Plot it in a time series graph in any spreadsheet application (excel, google sheets, LibreDocs Calc)
or use a monitoring system like LibreNMS to poll your WAN port with SNMP to see how much data is being used.
Looks interesting
You need real monitoring solutions like librenms, zabbix, etc, and get everything talking with snmp. Not sure how to do this on the consumer level.
I run a cli ookla speedtest every five hours using cron and put the output into a CSV that I visualise daily using graphviz.
If you have any programming skills. Plotting the raw data in MatPlotLib (a python library) is fairly simple.
I would just upload it to chatgpt and get it to tell you. If you have it in a standard file and it doesnt contain any sensitive info.
Otherwise you will have to code something to go through the data and analyze it
Ok i will try that
Edit: analysis allowance ran out