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Another week in the books. Let’s chat about manga in the general discussion thread! Feel free to use this thread for questions, comments, recommendations, etc.

Like normal, please be careful with spoilers. I wrote a guide about spoilers in case you need a refresher on how to handle them (also linked in the sidebar).

    1 month ago

    I just finished Asoko de Hataraku Musubu-san and it was absolutely wonderful.

    It spun off from this post and my reaction as detailed in the thread - I first noticed it because she’s just breathtakingly beautiful, and then I sorted out who the mangaka is and connected to past works of his that I liked, and I was sold.

    I ended up reading 83 chapters basically straight through, with only a few breaks to eat, take the dog out, etc. And I loved everything about it.

    Ignore the erotica tag - it’s sort of a fake-out. What it is, mostly, is that the two adorable, shy, awkward and endearing main characters work at a company that manufactures condoms. And she specifically works in product development and testing. So there are occasional scenes of her putting condoms on (fake) penises, intently studying (fake) penises, stroking (fake) penises, etc It’s not gratuitous – it’s all entirely innocent and perfectly appropriate in the context of her work. But of course it can’t help but be erotic anyway, and really flusters the kindhearted and considerate MMC.

    Aside from that gimmick, which is actually very well-employed, it’s just straightforward rom-com between two awkward, shy and earnest people who deserve each other, and it’s wonderful. You WILL cheer them on – I guarantee it.