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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 3rd, 2023


  • You can only get those moments when the groundwork has been laid to develop the character so that we can properly anticipate their reaction. So I think it is really just a byproduct of good writing.

    We know how Ichinose is going to react because we spent a whole chapter on it previously. Similarly, with Alina, she had explained over and over how much she values a “normal” life, the house being an integral part of that. When that was threatened previously, she almost killed somebody.

    The additional cherry on top in Alina’s case is that when she goes off on somebody in the anime, we get to hear her VA go full Megumin-explosion shouting at them.

  • I went through something similar late last year. Unsubbed from NYT and WaPo and did some heavy curation of communities. The day to day news is exhausting to keep up with these days and never leaves me feeling any better.

    I have been using the time and energy to do more productive things. One of those has been working on a future version of awards voting. So, lots of python-flask and Javascript lately. In all this, I learned that I hate front-end UI design and css.

  • I just discovered this series and it’s incredibly obvious that the author has experience in an actual academic lab. Their depictions of the equipment is spot on and they even use real brand names sometimes. When I was in grad school, this exact exchange happened multiple times:

    This chapter did make me die a little on the inside though. Don’t use lab equipment to prep food please. That’s just asking for trouble. I was paranoid about this my whole way through grad school because I was working with different strains of salmonella. It really makes you pay attention to potential contamination sources.

  • desu wa is a verbal style(?) that certain characters in Japanese media use when speaking. I have no idea how prevalent it may be in actual spoken Japanese outside of fiction. They tend to end their sentences with desu wa a lot. I am not a native speaker, but my understanding is that formal speech often ends sentences with desu (usually just shortened to des when speaking). Then, the wa part at the end basically adds some feminine flavor to the sentence (the male version is yo). That is why you only see female characters that are desu wa characters. Also, they tend to be more like an ojou-sama type character that is somewhat prim and proper, like our MC in this story.

    If you are anything like me, now that you know about this, it will be impossible not to notice it when you watch anime now. They are somewhat common and the desu wa ending is really easy to pick out when listening, even if you don’t understand the language. A personal favorite desu wa character of mine is Mio from Tsukimichi if you want a concrete example to check out.

  • I kind of hate that they are redeeming Kiyoka’s mom. Just let me hate the mother-in-law please! Well, it will probably be quite some time before we see her again, so o7 to you, the most tsundere MIL out there.

    This development with the Usubas being tied up in this grand scheme is not really that surprising at all. They seem to be everywhere in the shadows of this world’s systems of power. However, what is surprising is that this guy at the end is Miyo’s dad? Did her mom have an affair? What is the story here?

    On the romance front, there was a great balcony, moonlit kissing scene between our leads. However, the moment that I thought was even more touching was when Miyo ran to Kiyoka and gave him a big hug when he got back from fighting the demon. She didn’t care that she was in front of other people, she just wanted to glomp her man. @rikka@ani.social