ive been using/managing/fixing computers and servers for 40+ years. from old AS400 to full on cloud bullshit. i can remember only a single time where boot time mattered… when microsofts DNS failures caused servers to take 15 minutes to boot… other than that there hasnt been a single time it has ever been a problem or discussed as an issue to be resolved.

so why the fuck is it constantly touted as some benefit!? it grinds my gears when i see anyone stating how fast their machine booted.

am i alone in this?

  • Admiral Patrick@dubvee.org
    2 months ago

    Lol, yup. The ol’ .NET Optimizer background task.

    At a prior job, one of the junior admins updated the master image for our VDI linked-clone desktops. They snapped and deployed that without waiting for that background task to complete. The next day, when people started logging in and the desktop pools started spinning up, we got 70+ complaints that every virtual desktop was un-usably slow. Those were coming in as we were watching our performance monitors say almost every VMware host was at max CPU.